EduReviewerJuni Learning Alternatives: Top 5 Similar Apps

Juni Learning Alternatives: Top 5 Similar Apps

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Are you a person looking for alternatives to Juni Learning? One of the great things about technology is that it keeps us growing, learning, and developing every day.

With so many exciting apps available, finding the perfect one for your educational needs can be difficult. To simplify this process, I have compiled a list of the top 5 alternatives to Juni Learning.

Overall Comparison: Alternative Sites Like Juni Learning

All of these platforms are worth your attention, time, and money. Nonetheless, I would like to compare, Udemy & edX, which I liked the most:

Alternative Min. price Expertise 1-5 Rating $55 per hour 5 4.5
Udemy $12 per course 3 4.2
edX $98 per course 5 4.7

Searching for an online language learning platform? Our Lingoda reviews provide a detailed analysis of their courses, methodology, and user experience, guiding your choice for an effective learning journey.

Especially for you, I tried, found out, and compiled the list with 5 platforms like Juni Learning. So, meet them!

Price starts from $55
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  • Interactive video lessons: The courses feature engaging and interactive videos designed to help learners stay engaged and interested in the material.
  • Practice problems: Each lesson has practice problems that allow learners to apply what they've learned and reinforce their understanding of the concepts.
  • Personalized learning:'s courses are designed to adapt to each learner's unique needs and pace.
  • Progress tracking: The platform tracks each learner's progress and provides feedback to help them identify areas where they need improvement.
  • Mobile-friendly: study on-the-go.
  • Higher pricing than some other online learning platforms (is determined individually).
  • Limited selection of courses (currently, only math courses are available). is an online platform that offers a variety of courses, tests, and quizzes to help individuals improve their knowledge and skills in Math. It supplies learners with unique access to global resources, making it one of the most popular platforms available today.

I have also checked the comments about on Verified Reviews. There are there some reviews, which reflect their experience with this app like Juni Learning:
In terms of value for money, most customers agree, that is an excellent investment due to the quality of its courses and tests. The pricing of the courses and tests offered on are pretty reasonable. Most courses cost around $50-$100, depending on which instructor is providing the class or test.

Overall, there are many experts at who provide quality courses and tests to students around the world. The platform provides users with detailed information about these instructors so that they can make informed decisions before enrolling in any class or exam.


Price starts from $12
Promo code N/A
  • Wide range of courses;
  • Self-paced learning;
  • Diverse instructors;
  • Course previews;
  • Certificates of completion;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Some courses require prior knowledge.
Udemy is one of the companies like Juni Learning, offering a wide variety of courses, from development and programming to business and design. With over 155,000 courses in more than 50 languages, Udemy provides access to professionals who can teach you the skills you need to succeed.

The best part about Udemy is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy to find classes related to your field or interests. This platform’s rate is generally 4.2 stars out of 5.

Here is also what people write about experience with this app website like Juni Learning:
The price for each class varies according to the instructor but generally ranges between $15-$200 depending on the type of course and complexity. Since many instructors offer course discounts, students can enjoy even greater value for money.

The experts at Udemy have years of experience in their field and are highly capable of teaching you the necessary skills.

My personal assessment of Udemy is positive overall, as I have found many great courses that have been useful for me in my career development. The instructors are usually knowledgeable and helpful and respond promptly to questions.

My only downside with Udemy is that some courses require prior knowledge, which can be challenging to acquire without taking other classes beforehand.

However, I am satisfied with the quality of services provided by Udemy and would recommend it!


Price starts from $50
Promo code N/A
  • Quality of instruction is excellent.
  • Discussion forums, simulations, interactive content review quizzes, and test preparation activities. 
  • Automated grading system.
  • Simulations and interactive activities.
  • Get personalized advice on topics you need additional help with.
edX is a major online learning platform that allows students to take classes from leading universities and institutions. It provides access to high-quality courses in various topics, including computer science, business, engineering, humanities, languages, and more.

The quality of instruction is excellent; professors from top universities have created their own teaching materials for each class.

The edX platform also offers various features such as discussion forums, simulations, interactive content review quizzes, and test preparation activities.

By the way, edX offers MicroMasters programs, a series of graduate-level courses designed to provide learners with in-demand skills and expertise.

Additionally, it provides learners with feedback on assignments via an automated grading system and allows them to work at their own pace.

Regarding pricing, edX offers free courses for those not interested in obtaining a certificate or diploma. Paid plans are also available for those wanting a verified certificate or credit from their chosen school.

The rate is 4.7 stars from 5 on different sites with reviews!

There is feedback from the edX students:
The edX platform is an excellent resource for learners looking to advance their knowledge and skills. The quality of instruction is top-notch, with professors from leading universities delivering content in easily digestible forms.

Moreover, its simulations and interactive activities help bring lessons to life, making learning more enjoyable and engaging.

One unique feature of edX is its ability to connect students with experts in various fields through discussion forums or one-on-one conversations via Skype. This allows students to get personalized advice on topics they need additional help with or gain insights into specific areas they may not be familiar with.

Wonderland Math

Price starts from $49
Promo Code N/A
  • Personalized approach.
  • Unique features, such as tracking progress and reviewing test results.
  • Ideal choice for students looking to improve their math skills.
  • Affordable prices.
  • As a relatively new service, Wonderland Math does not have a well-established reputation or track record.
  • The cost of some of the packages may be expensive for some students or families.
  • It does not offer as much flexibility in terms of scheduling classes.
  • It also lacks features like one-on-one tutoring and real-time teacher feedback.
Wonderland Math is an online math learning platform like Juni Learning, that provides classes, tutoring, and exam prep. It offers interactive lessons, videos, games, and activities to help students understand mathematics more enjoyably.

The platform has received good ratings from users and experts, who appreciate the variety of tools and resources available to students. In our review of this platform we rated it 4.4 stars from 5.

The price points are reasonable too and depend on the tuition you decide on, but it is $99per month ($49 – trial).




What I like about Wonderland Math is its personalized approach: it creates individualized learning plans based on each student's level of knowledge and abilities.

This allows teachers to focus on areas where their students need the most improvement with appropriate exercises explicitly designed for them.

The platform also has unique features, such as tracking progress and reviewing test results so students can measure their progress over time.

With its various tools and resources, Wonderland Math provides a comprehensive approach to learning mathematics, making it an ideal choice for students looking to improve their math skills.

So, Wonderland Math is a great option for those who want to learn math interactively. It offers quality instruction at affordable prices with personalized plans for each student.


Price starts from $75
Promo code N/A
  • Personalized math learning programs;
  • Experienced math tutors;
  • Flexible scheduling;
  • Interactive whiteboard.
  • The service cost may be higher than other online math tutoring services.
  • The platform is only available for students in grades K-8, so it may not be suitable for older students who need help with more advanced math concepts.
HelloThinkster is an online learning platform that provides educational classes for students of all levels. The platform emphasizes boosting student confidence and providing comprehensive support for each class.

One of the critical features of HelloThinkster is its online rating & reputation system. This allows users to view feedback from other students who have taken the same class before. Speaking about comments, we and other students rate it 4.6 stars from 5.
The pricing of HelloThinkster classes also provides great value for money. The courses are affordable for most budgets, making them accessible to many people who may not be able to afford more expensive options.

HelloThinkster offers several different pricing plans, ranging from $29 to $199 per month.

One of the things I like about HelloThinkster is its commitment to helping students succeed by providing them with the right tools, resources, and guidance.

To sum up, I tried and realized that HelloThinkster provides a great learning experience with knowledgeable instructors and flexible class schedules. It’s worth considering for anyone looking for an online education experience that goes above and beyond traditional methods.


So, as you can see, I found 5 apps like Juni Learning. I made a detailed analysis & assessment of these platforms: read the comments about my experience with them, tried out some courses, and checked the examination system.

Online tutoring platforms are increasingly popular, and Varsity Tutors is one that stands out. But is Varsity Tutors legit? Our detailed review examines its offerings, tutor quality, and pricing, helping you make an informed decision.


What sites are like Juni Learning?

Udemy & edX do the same jobs like JuniLearning. For its part, such platforms as, Wonderland Math, and HelloThinkster do specialize on math tuition solely.

What age is Juni Learning for?

JuniLearning is for people of all ages who want to learn something new, whether their age. It’s also perfect for those looking to study STEM.

Is Juni Learning free?

JuniLearning is free for basic users who don’t need more than one video per month. If you want unlimited video access (which includes watching them as often as you like), you will need to pay $9/month or $99/year. You can find out more about this on their official website.

Is Juni Learning legit?

Yes, it is. Juni Learning has been on the international educational market since 2011 and has only legitimate offers.

By Jennifer Broflowski
Updated on June 11, 2024
Verified by Alina Burakova
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