EduReviewerPrinceton Review vs Varsity Tutors: GRE & GMAT

Princeton Review vs Varsity Tutors: GRE & GMAT

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“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler

When looking for a prestigious admissions company with a good reputation and undiluted academic services, Princeton Review and Varsity Tutors tick all the boxes.

Varsity Tutors operates in over 25 cities in Canada and the United States, offering major services in live tutoring and test preparations.

Princeton Review has spread its wings among millions of scholars around the globe, offering test preparation and live tutoring.

Is that the only thing Princeton Review offers? Absolutely not. They extend to helping clients with job applications and interview prep to get the job of their dreams. The services offered by these two companies look so similar that it makes you wonder if there are any differences in their operations.

Hence, you could use a more detailed difference to choose the right option between Varsity Tutors vs Princeton Review admissions.

  • Varsity Tutors is more affordable than Princeton Review.
  • Varsity Tutors offers a more personalized learning plan than Princeton Review.
  • Varsity Tutors has a longer access period, while Princeton Review only runs for four months.
  • Varsity Tutors’ operation is only over 17 years old, while Princeton Review’s operation is over 35 years old.

Varsity Tutors support students to take up to 10 practice tests, but in Princeton Review, you only have two test chances.

Overall Comparison: VarsityTutors and TPR

Test Prep Firm Varsity Tutors GRE & GMAT Princeton Review GRE & GMAT
Courses Offered
  1. Live Online GMAT classes
  2. The GMAT Bundles
  3. One-on-one Tutoring
  1. Fundamentals Targeted Live Online Tutoring
  2. Princeton Review GMAT 700+.
  3. GMAT self-paced.
  4. Private Tutoring.
Price Starting from $599 Starting from $1,299
Video Classes Over 100 hours Over 100
Live Classes 20 hours 47 hours
Practice Tests 10/th 10
Practice Questions Over 3000 Over 4,000

GRE and GMAT Features of Platforms

Some key features include:

  • Accessible Platforms or Devices:

one way to ensure proper studying is through accessible and user-friendly sessions on the platforms. This platform provides materials and mock tests for students preparing for the GRE and GMAT exams.

These platforms must be accessible on the least of the devices, which is the mobile phone. What else is better than being able to practice anywhere and at any given time?

  • Unique Comprehending Styles:

While the existing traditional system uses a generalized teaching/learning technique, a unique comprehending style for each student encourages personalized studying.

Personalized studies analyze the previous learning methods that you have, and it helps to monitor your progress and, of course, what makes you learn better.

  • Online Community:

Trust me, there is nothing better than knowing that you are not alone in a situation. The online community platform is one way to bring scholars together on one learning platform. This boosts group studying, interaction, practice, and interest.

  • Practical Assessments:

A way to assess what you have learned is through oral and written Quizzes. Quizzes allow constant recollection of everything that has been learned. Interestingly, assessment results are given immediately. This helps to know where they have failed and where they should improve.

  • Motivation:

The undiluted importance of motivation in learning cannot be overemphasized. Learning on platforms can sometimes be boring, making you easily lose interest.

However, in this case, you are not being taught by robots or recorded tutors. Students can have an online live instructor who teaches, encourages, and motivates them to practice better and remind them of their set goals.


Varsity Tutor: Why is it Better than Princeton Review?

You will agree with me that time looks good on Varsity Tutors as it has been around since 2005, almost two decades ago, and we are not surprised at how much they have improved over the years.

VarsityTutors didn’t only incorporate a more modern approach to learning and testing the student’s abilities; through several modern technologies, it has done just more than make students pass their exams.

These new resources can help you acquire faster and easier learning compared to Princeton Review’s archaic system.


Everything has a price; tutoring sessions as well. Varsity is popular because its admissions are affordable. It has a more personalized system of learning.

The company ensures to know your past learning processes, and they work on ways to ensure that they improve your learning by introducing new techniques for your studies.

Not only that, Varsity Tutors have a GMAT and GRE mobile application that increases their credibility. On this app, you will find various resources like study materials, videos, quizzes, motivation clips, and mock tests that allow effective learning.


When you use Varsity Tutor, you don’t have to worry about staying in another boring class. They have a live tutor that works according to the student’s schedule. Unlike Princeton Review, with a rigid schedule, classes in Varsity Tutors are fixed into your preferred schedule.

What more can one ask for but an interactive class they can opt-in to anytime they want? Students are eligible for practice tests and real-time communication systems.

Princeton Review: Why is it Better than Varsity Tutors?

Things that get better with time are few. However, Princeton Review is one of the few companies that gets better as they upgrade their system as time passes. Although the company has been in existence since the 1980s, it has upgraded its admissions services as time went on and technology upgrades.

Princeton Review has put together both the traditional learning system and the modern technology learning system into incredible sessions. The pace of learning in their company keeps improving by the day. They now offer new system techniques and live tutors that take students through over 100 hours of live classes.


Students have unlimited access to experts. Which company can answer all your questions effectively, if not one that has been in existence for over 35 years ago?

Therefore, unlike Varsity Tutors with fewer years of experience and tutors with fewer years of experience, Princeton Review has expertise with several years of tutoring experience. Princeton Review has more practice tests and questions sessions for students, unlike Varsity Tutors with less practical questions.


In short, Princeton Review’s pace in catching up with technological advancement is commendable. They have passed the test of time, and we know that as future technology comes out, Princeton Review is set to incorporate it into their system – an olden but golden academic company.

Pricing Comparison

“No other investment yields as great returns as an investment on education.” – Brad Henry

It is no news that money is the best way to get the best things in life, education inclusive. However, the money aspect cannot be overlooked when we compare the two tutor companies.

The GRE and GMAT exams are life-changing, and no one expects them to come for free. Therefore, both companies request an enrollment fee before studying can start.

Varsity Tutors Pricing

On the Varsity Tutors website and app, you will find three main packages you can purchase for GRE and GMAT. The VarsityTutors prices for each package are quite affordable, including useful services.

Before you sign up, let me take you on a short trip on what their packages look like.


  • Live Online GMAT: The live online GMAT offers a live platform for $799.

This live platform consists of students not less than six and not more than nine. Students are not mandated to start at the same time. This means those on this live platform can start as they wish. This is to make sure that the classes fit into their schedules.

On this platform, scholars have up to 20 hours of live instructions for the five weeks of classes. The instructor comprehensively explains the exam and increases the student’s pace in answering these exams. Alongside this wonderful package are the practical questions and self-study materials.

  • The GMAT Bundle ($1599) incorporates the minimum group setup of the Live Online GMAT Classes into the personalized studying of the one-on-one tutoring.

This bundle has proven to improve scores. If you purchase this exclusive package, you will find 30 hours of live instruction scheduled with others and 10 hours of the private learning package.

With the private tutoring package, the company merges you with a suitable instructor to help you accomplish your goals.

  • 1-on-1 tutoring ($102/hour):

This is a package that is proven to bring the quickest result. The one-on-one tutoring package merges students with tutors that best suit them, considering their background, academic aims, and previous knowledge of the exams. Due to its highly personalized construction, this package has to be purchased per hour.

Alongside the above packages, Varsity Tutors provides varieties of tutoring options with private tutors. This package starts from $102 per hour, $1224 for 24 hours, and you can renew this package as you please and for as long as you want.

Princeton Review Pricing

Princeton Review also has four key packages for proper learning. Before subscribing, you might as well check the terms and conditions of each price below.


  • GMAT Self-paced Course ($699):

The Self-paced package of Princeton Review is fully done online. This package includes 10 practice tests and 83 drill sections that round up to 3,000 questions.

This is mainly video-based, and students can learn anytime they deem fit. Also, subscribers of this package get a chance to access the live section.

  • GMAT Fundamental Course ($1,299):

After the Self-Paced course, the fundamental package is the next. The GMAT fundamental package is the most effective, with personalized tools and test preparation techniques.

On this page, you will have 27 hours of live instructions and recorded lessons that you can watch anytime. Alongside these are the 10 comprehensive practice tests and 61 drills.

  • Princeton Review GMAT 700+ ($1,649):

This is the most popular package of Princeton Review. The GMAT 700+ has a fast result within a little time. This package includes a 47-hour live instruction section and more than 4,000 practice questions.

You will also have access to more than 10 hours of focused questions and another 10 hours of verbal and maths questions. Past questions drilling is not left behind as students will get over 2,000 drill questions for practice.

  • Princeton Review Private Tutoring ($167/hour):

Private tutoring is a personalized one. It is a one-on-one instruction that focuses on the skill you choose to improve on. The hourly rate is $167 per hour. However, the minimum number of hours for your subscription is 18 hours.


Alongside the above packages, students can take the personal instructor packages between $135 – $325 an hour.

Quality of Learning (Value for Money)

Minds are like parachutes — they only function when open.” — Thomas Dewar, 1st Baron Dewar

You’ll agree that taking the GMAT or the GRE is no easy task. Hence, taking prep courses prepare you for the difficult task ahead. In this case, Princeton Review or Varsity Tutors are here to smoothen this rough and bumpy road as much as they can.

So, it shouldn’t take you by surprise when a huge chunk is taken from your account to settle the payments for the lessons acquired.

After spending a substantial amount on the lessons on these platforms, what values do students stand to gain? Is it worth taking GMAT with Varsity Tutors or Princeton Review?

These questions and more are some of the things that will be explained in this section of this write-up. Let’s dig into the proper comparison for more information about the results students can expect and the quality of learning from these platforms.

Princeton Review

Here, students are introduced to different learning strategies to ensure that they get a great score that will make them qualified to be part of the top competitive applicants in the work sector.

There are various learning packages you can get when registering with them for your exam preparations.

For instance, you get immediate access to every score-raising content they have in stock for excellent preparation and result. At this point, you must be very curious about how the sessions work.

You can get more than 47 hours of instruction by professionals in the field.

Also, you have access to related questions, including an official guidebook bundle that helps you get a clear idea of what you are into.

This includes over 20 hours of instruction and explanation sessions on advanced questions to expect and an explanation of verbal and maths. Isn’t this amazing?

To support these, you get interactive video lessons and adaptive drills to prepare you for the real exam. The adaptive drill is categorized in sections according to the various topics and the level you wish to begin. The adaptive drill perfectly mimics the questions you should expect on the real examination day.

These practice questions also include explanation sessions online to help you know how well you performed.

Good news! At Princeton Review, they work one-on-one with the students — building personal connections and rapport.

This is because they believe it is a great opportunity to engage the students and work together amiably towards achieving their combined goal.

Varsity Tutors


On this platform, students are equipped well for their upcoming exams. If you choose this tutoring platform, you will be well-versed with the skills and strategies you need to do well in your exam and improve your score.

Their course outline includes various content and strategies on analytical thinking, critical reading, and verbal reasoning. Think about that for a minute.

The preparation and tutoring strategies for students are so in shape that they can easily handle difficult questions during the real examination. Let me show you how.

Once you sign up with Varsity Tutors, you stand to gain knowledge on how to prepare for every part of the examination. You become aware of the things to expect in the exam structurally, concept-wise, and regarding scoring.

Also, you become privy to basic test tips that can be applied to every exam section, devise suitable techniques to solve different maths concepts and evaluate strategies for graphs, charts and data analysis.

In addition, you become confident while reading, analyzing and interpreting the given comprehensive passages towards providing adequate answers. Amazing, right?

In other words, you get the chance to experience incredible tutoring live by professionals. It is also possible to get live tutoring and instruction via their mobile app.

This feature helps you get professional assistance no matter where you may be.

With them, location is no longer a barrier as you can get face-to-face help on their online mobile tutoring platform anytime and everywhere.

Main Disadvantages of the Platforms

As Johan Cruyff rightly said, “Anything that has advantages also has disadvantages.”

Both platforms have amazing preparatory strategies and courses. Although these disadvantages may be minor, it is only right to mention them so that students can choose the right and best available practice platforms that will work for them.

They aren’t that bad, but there are just some highlighted areas we feel they can do better to provide a better learning service for students. Do I still have your attention?

Princeton Review

Price starts from $39.99
Promo code N/A
  • The first disadvantage on the list at Princeton Review is the lack of Quiz Bank.
  • Another con of Princeton Review versus Varsity Tutors is that it has no design for a mobile app.
 Although this platform has various full-length exams with over 3500 questions and a free practice test to help you realize your weak areas, it lacks a quiz bank of questions.

 Although custom-designed flashcards are available here, this can’t suffice for the lack of mobile app utilization. For this reason, you will have to look elsewhere if you need to get some study time using your smartphone or tablet.

In addition, Princeton Review offers students the shortest amount of online access compared to other preparatory platforms.

Varsity Tutors

Price starts from $102
Promo code EDU15%OFF
  • Due to the high demand for famous tutors, you will find out that their classes fill up faster than you expect.
  • Another con of this preparatory course is that the live class options may not go as deep as other preparatory companies you may have tried.
 You’ll be surprised at the number of people with similar mindsets and goals – passing the exam at the end of the day. For this reason, you may have to settle for an available, less popular tutor you have never heard about in the reviews.


“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn, and you will.” — Vernon Howard

When comparing Princeton Review versus Varsity Tutors, they may seem like two separate entities but have one thing in common. This is because they were established initially to help students prepare properly for their examinations to get excellent results.

Both companies use various learning materials and programs to ensure this and have been producing incredible successes. Another thing they have in common is a score improvement guarantee.

Ultimately, whether you choose Varsity Tutors of Princeton Review, all is good as long as you learn something. Since both boasts of professionals, engaging programs, and winning strategies, you can expect the best from both no matter which one you pick.

So, it is left to you to choose the right platform that works for you after weighing your options. Isn’t that right?


Which is better: Varsity Tutors or Princeton Review?

Both these companies and some others are good at what they do — which is to prepare students for their upcoming examinations.

However, both of them are not equal when their features and services are compared. On this note, we find VarsityTutors much better because it is cheaper, has a more personalized plan, and has longer access.

Is VarsityTutors good for GMAT?

One efficient way to improve your GMAT score rapidly is by using available measures — Varsity Tutors. They have various learning strategies to help you prepare adequately for your exam.

Which is cheaper: Varsity Tutors or Princeton Review?

When comparing Varsity Tutors versus Princeton Review in terms of their price range, Varsity Tutors is more affordable.

Using Varsity Tutors, you can expect fewer price ranges for your prep courses. This way, you can choose the right option without wasting much time.

By Alina Burakova
Updated on June 11, 2024
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