EduReviewerCoursesMasterClass deadmau5 Review: Beat-Making Insights from a Pro

MasterClass deadmau5 Review: Beat-Making Insights from a Pro

By Alina Burakova, Updated June 10, 2024


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About MasterClass
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Pros & Cons My Verdict
  • It's an excellent primer if a newbie wants to learn EDM production.
  • It's a goldmine for anyone who wants to have a career in becoming an EDM producer.
  • deadmau5's techniques can help students become aware of new workflows that can help them simplify the process.
  • Experienced producers may learn valuable tidbits.
  • Students learn about deadmau5's insights from a DJ's perspective and use his experiences on being a master producer of EDM.
  • deadmau5 inspires learners to create beautiful music without spending a lot of money on gear.
  • Learners must have an idea of what a digital audio workstation (DAW) is.
  • deadmau5 can be a little impatient, so students must be attentive if You don't want to miss what he's saying.
  • Mentor deadmau5 has the propensity to jump from one topic to another without fully explaining a concept.
  • He won't mentor students to track from end to end, but his videos are immersive, logical, and helpful.
  • The class isn't for someone who wants to learn by the book.
  • Students need software and hardware to produce digital music.


  • In terms of technicalities, students can learn a lot. deadmau5 teaches his approach in chord structure, limiting, and Qing.
  • He covers a lot of ground in music production, and learners will learn more from his classes than any other EDM production class.
  • They are fortunate to get the inspiration, wisdom, and creative process of the electronic dance music producer.


  • MasterClass offers a money-back, no-questions-asked guarantee for all payment options within a month. Students get a full reason if they don’t like the lessons.


  • The syllabus is in downloadable PDF format, so students can read the materials offline and during their free time.

deadmau5 is a genius in producing EDM (electronic dance music). Music enthusiasts know him, and fans follow him wherever his gig is. They’re fortunate that he decides to share his craft with anyone who wants to learn.

If you’re one of those people who are showing interest in the MasterClass offering but are unsure if you’ll get your money’s worth, you may read through this deadmau5 MasterClass review.

If you’re searching for an honest-to-goodness review about deadmau5’s Electronic Music Production Class at MasterClass, you’ve come to the right place.

You need to take into account this review because it’s reliable and verifiable. If you decide to take the class after reading it, you’ll realize that we’re right in what we say here.

Our criteria for evaluating the deadmau5 class include the quality of the syllabus, price, and delivery of lessons you’ll get if you enrol. These factors are significant in deciding if you’re getting your money’s worth.

You can also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of taking deadmau5’s class.

If you also want to learn about other music topics, you can also consider the other world-renowned artists teaching their crafts on the platform.

Full details about MasterCalss you can find in oiur detailed and complete Master Class reviews.


MasterClass is a website offering an engaging e-Learning experience to individuals who want to learn from a genius in their chosen area of expertise.

They can take the classes offered by world-renowned instructors. The classes are in video format and 100% MasterClass exclusive that produces them in collaboration with the masters, who design their curriculum.

The prerecorded video content, community activities, interactive assignments, and workbook are part of each class. Learners can watch and re-watch the videos any time they like.

They can also use the class discussions to upload their performances, share their thoughts, and offer feedback on classmates’ work.

MasterClass is a famous e-learning website that has household names as instructors. The videos are Netflix quality, and the lessons are entertaining and intimate.

The teachers are the best in the world in what they do. Each learner can receive genuine, insightful lessons that he’ll only get from this platform. MasterClass adds new classes regularly.

There is another great platform with music courses called Creative Live. Check CreativeLive class review on our website and find yourself some other options.

Let’s now look at the Electronic Music Production class offered by MasterClass in collaboration with deadmau5.

Who is deadmau5 and What is he Famous for?

deadmau5 — Joel Thomas Zimmerman in real life — is a musician, DJ, and EDM producer from Canada. He’s into progressive house music, but he also acts as a DJ for other electronic music genres.

He garnered six Grammy Award nominations because of his work. deadmau5 worked with other producers and DJs and built his record label Mas5trap in 2007. He’s one of the top paid electronic music producers around the world.

Zimmerman is famous for his headgear and helmet that make people think about Mickey Mouse. He first used his moniker as a teen when a computer malfunctioned, and the terrible odour that came from the burning wires smelled like a dead mouse.

He dons his Mickey helmet and headgear and offers a whimsical and interesting sense of humour.

deadmau5 was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1951. He’s an electronics wizard and excels in computer animation and web design. He’s pursuing a career as a DJ and travels to Europe and South America for gigs.

Fans love his unique EDM sound, and many of his songs landed on the Billboard Dance/Club chart. Zimmerman received the Juno award from 2008 to 2011.

If you are interested in poker, see more courses on MasterClass about it. Read more in the poker Master Class review on our website.

How Does this Class work?

As a go-to e-learning platform, MasterClass prides itself on offering lessons from numerous masters in their respective fields.

It offers the best-produced classes. deadmau5 is one of the distinguished and world-renowned talents in the music sector.

He teaches EDM production through 23 classes with at least six hours’ worth of video broken down into several topics. He explains and teaches his art form that many online learners can quickly understand.

Registered students can also avail themselves of the deadmau5 workbook containing extra assignments and resources. They can receive 100% exclusive content that they won’t find elsewhere.

A downloadable guidebook contains supplementary resources and lesson recapitulations.

The students can ask deadmau5 questions, and they can allow him to serve as a critic of their work. They can also gain access to the mentor and student community.

Is deadmau5's Masterclass Good?

The most prevalent impact of people learning under deadmau5 is that it’s the usual online class that many individuals took.

However, they soon realized that he might be somewhat eccentric but endearing. He is not domineering or boastful to command attention to himself.

deadmau5’s character lies to the quirky end, but his point-of-view about EDM production is invigorating. He knows his stuff, and he’s unrepentant about his elocution.

  • The Lessons

Joel Zimmerman is a true artist. The MasterClass lessons come in 23 impeccably produced videos, with each one lasting from three to 21 minutes.

His teachings are of incredible quality, and it’s something that learners will appreciate. Video sound is exceptional, and the resolution is 1080p.

During this MasterClass deadmau5 review, we found that MasterClass is an outstanding guide for people interested in producing electronic dance music.

deadmau5 is an outstanding teacher who shares theories, gears and applications, and some advanced lessons such as sound-shaping effects and processing. He shares astute tips on manoeuvring the music industry, live performances, and collaboration with other artists.

  • Class Workbook

Each session has a class workbook for a learner. It has recapitulations and extra assignments or resources. Anyone who wants to master EDM must do the assignment because they’re fun to do. deadmau5 may even comment on some of the students’ works.

  • Lesson Discussion

There’s a Lesson Discussion at the end of each class where learners can give their impressions, observations, and intuitiveness for others to read. They can also talk to their fellow students.

  • The Office Hours

It is an impressive feature because students can ask questions to their mentors by sharing their videos. Lucky ones can get a reply from deadmau5 himself.

They can also watch how he replies to each query because he’s always insightful in his comments.

  • The Hub

It is the community in MasterClass. It contains conversations and topics, but it’s not as active as learners expect it to be. However, they may find the extra resources and discussion enlightening.

deadMau5’s MasterClass teachings on electronic music production are highly recommendable because newbies can learn about their craft and apply his principles to their shows.

He breaks down concepts in bite-size videos for non-musicians to understand them fully. Learners will appreciate his art because he has a gift of explaining it even to people who don’t have any idea yet about EDM.

Each learner has access to 100% private content that they can’t discover elsewhere. The downloadable guidebook has supplementary resources and lesson summaries.

He also has an opportunity to post his questions for deadmau5.

If he’s lucky, the master may even comment on his assignment. MasterClass offers access to an expansive community of students and mentors.

Is It The Best Online Music Class Out There?

The MasterClass featuring deadmau5 is one of the best learning opportunities for music enthusiasts to study under the master.

What do you get in deadmau5’s MasterClass? deadmau5 MasterClass includes:

  • The deadmau5 Technique;
  • Case Study on Mastering;
  • Upstarting the Journey on EDM Production;
  • A bird’s eye view on the music business;
  • Interesting insights on being on stage performing a live show.

Features of the MasterClass by deadmaus

Part of the deadmaus MasterClass review is this feature about the contents of the syllabus. deadmau5’s EDM Production Class has 23 videos, and the length of each lesson varies, depending on the topic:

Lesson 1: Introduction — Zimmerman introduces the topic, explains the significant role of EDM, and some of his knowledge that he’s sharing with the learners.

Lesson 2: Theory — deadmau5 introduces the esoteric lessons as he talks about how he creates his music, his goals in completing a track, and the influences in his work.

Lesson 3: Practice — Joel shares his knowledge about building chords in his digital audio workstation (DAW), even though he can’t play the piano.

Lesson 4: Creating Your Studio at Home — Students don’t have to worry because, for Zimmerman, ideas are more essential than gears.

Lesson 5: Creating Melodies — deadmau5 shares some of his strategies in developing melodic structures, as well as the music cycles.

Lesson 6: Transforming Melodies into Arrangements — Joel shares his strategies in splitting choruses into several stylistic arrangements using numerous instruments, as well as anchoring the chords to turn them into base notes.

Lesson 7: Presenting Synthesized Sounds — Zimmerman shares the basics of synths management, filters, and even abused patches to create something original.

Lesson 8: Modular Synths Experiments — Students will learn about automating envelopes and including modular synths in their tracks.

Lesson 9: Analog VS Digital Synths — Joel explains flashing lights and knobs to build patches using modular synths.

Lesson 10: How to Shape Sounds with Processing and Effects — deadmau5 talks about the effect of guitar pedals on sound.

Lesson 11: Part 1 of Beats — Zimmerman talks about the rules of beats per minute for EDM.

Lesson 12: Part 2 of Beats — Joel teaches his students about snare sounds and focuses on the drums tracks in Snowcone.

Lesson 13: Song Structures — Students learn about making loops interesting by adding dips and swells.

Lesson 14: Remixes — deadmau5 teaches about how to gain more experience with remixes.

Lesson 15: Mixing — Joel shares his knowledge about making an expert-sounding track.

Lesson 16: Mastering — Zimmerman shares the reasons why he masters his music and talks about basic mastering, dynamics change, EQ tweaking, volume gain, and changes in overall gain.

Lesson 17: Case Study in Mastering — deadmau5 analyzes his Snowcone track.

Lesson 18: Upstarting a Career in Production — Students learn about the myths of label signing talents.

Lesson 19: Learning about the Music Business — deadmau5 teaches about navigating the system and developing relationships with people who can help.

Lesson 20: On Stage: The Music — Zimmerman talks about setting up a show and using Digital Audio Workplace.

Lesson 21: On Stage: The Technical Side — Students learn about maintaining the gears while touring.

Lesson 22: On Stage: The Show — Joel shares about avoiding crazy behaviours and invites students to upload their shows for evaluation.

Lesson 23: Closing — deadmau5 shares some action items for the next steps.

Anyone can learn from the master, especially music lovers. His fans will benefit from the topics because they’ll understand their idol better.

The class is also for newbies in the music industry because they can learn from one of the masters of EDM.

It’s not for music producers who have established their processes because they may not like how deadmau5 works. However, they may find the assignments interesting because they can stretch their creativity differently.

deadmau5 MasterClass Price

Each student can choose between the two options for the payment offered by MasterClass:

  • $180 all-access pass for unlimited MasterClass access to all classes for one year or $15 a month; includes lifetime and full access to video lessons, office hours, and workbooks.

MasterClass offers a money-back, no-questions-asked guarantee for all payment options within a month. Students get a full reason if they don’t like the lessons.

Interested individuals can avail of the All-Access Pass if they want to take at least three classes. They have to check the class offerings to determine if they want to learn from three or more mentors.

Quality of the Class

Each MasterClass class offers high-quality video lessons, including the Electronic Music Production classes taught by deadmau5. The syllabus is in downloadable PDF format, so students can read the materials offline and during their free time.

They can also take advantage of class notes that offer the gist of the video lessons and additional reading resources with space for note-taking.

Thedeadmau5’s class is helpful for individuals who want to learn EDM production. They can also learn from the MasterClass community discussion with fellow students.

deadmau5 also reads the posts and may reply to some comments and inquiries. He may even review some of the works by his learners.

MasterClass Classes on Music: Authors and Differences

Other Alternative MasterClass Music Classes from Popular and Experienced Mentors:

Reba McEntire — Country Music

Reba McEntire is “The Queen of Country,” and she shares her craft in singing country music. Unlike deadmau5’s EDM production, you’ll focus on honing your singing skills with ballads with some dance tunes.

Jake Shimabukuro — Ukulele Playing

Jake Shimabukuro is a Japanese-American composer and ukulele virtuoso. His MasterClass teaches ukulele playing, which is unlike EDM production offered by deadmau5. You’ll learn how to flex your fingers and master a musical instrument.

Carlos Santana — Art and Soul of Guitar

Carlos Santana is a Mexican-American guitarist who became famous from the 1960s to the 1970s. He was the first one to mix Latin American jazz with rock ‘n roll. His style of guitar playing is somewhat spiritual. Unlike deadmau5’s funky and lively club music production, you’ll discover the soul of your sound with Carlos Santana.

There are many various courses on MasterClass. If you are into cooking, check our Gordon Ramsay Master Class review, you’ll find it useful before trying the courses.

And if you are into writing, screenwriting or scriptwriting, check a class by Neil Gaiman. We also have full Neil Gaiman MasterClass reviews on our blog.

  • It's an excellent primer if a newbie wants to learn EDM production.
  • It's a goldmine for anyone who wants to have a career in becoming an EDM producer.
  • deadmau5's techniques can help students become aware of new workflows that can help them simplify the process.
  • Experienced producers may learn valuable tidbits.
  • Students learn about deadmau5's insights from a DJ's perspective and use his experiences on being a master producer of EDM.
  • deadmau5 inspires learners to create beautiful music without spending a lot of money on gear.
  • Learners must have an idea of what a digital audio workstation (DAW) is.
  • deadmau5 can be a little impatient, so students must be attentive if You don't want to miss what he's saying.
  • Mentor deadmau5 has the propensity to jump from one topic to another without fully explaining a concept.
  • He won't mentor students to track from end to end, but his videos are immersive, logical, and helpful.
  • The class isn't for someone who wants to learn by the book.
  • Students need software and hardware to produce digital music.

MasterClass Alternatives

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