EduReviewerBlogACT Tutoring Cost: A Complete Guide
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ACT Tutoring Cost: A Complete Guide

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The American College Testing (ACT) shows admission officers how prepared a student is for college. A low ACT score can hurt you even if you have a high GPA. This is why you need to get a favorable ACT score.

If you wish to perform excellently on your ACT, you should consider hiring an ACT tutor. Doing this will be even more beneficial if your goal is to enter a highly competitive college. Various forms of ACT prep can help you raise your score.

However, finding out what the ACT tutoring cost is can be tricky. So, we will be giving a well-detailed answer to the questions. We will also be providing price comparisons and other relevant information.

What Is the Average Cost for ACT Tutoring?

There is no fixed price for ACT tutoring, and the price of different options can vary significantly. We have created an ACT prep cost comparison to give you an idea of what price you should expect to pay. The table contains the average ACT tutoring cost.

 ACT Prep Budget Price Range Price of 40 Hours of Prep
Self Study Cheap Between $0 to $50 for each book Between $0 to $40 for multiple books
Online Moderate Between $100 to $1400 for each course Between $100 to $2800, depending on how long the courses are
In-Person Costly Between $800 to $1800 for each course Between $800 to $3600, depending on how long the courses are
One-on-One Costly Between $40 to $200 hourly Between $1600 to $8000

From this chart, you should know that there is a type of ACT prep for you regardless of your budget. Guidebooks are the cheapest option, while tutoring can be pretty costly. The cost of ACT prep will also be affected by the service provider and the duration of the course.

Are you looking for a comprehensive and effective ACT test prep program? Look no further than Magoosh ACT review, the trusted online platform that has helped thousands of students achieve their target scores.

Due to the wide gap between the prices and services, finding the average cost of prep classes and tools isn’t a straightforward task. But generally, an ACT prep should cost between $50 to $2000. The exact cost will depend on your preferred option.

How Much Do ACT Prep Courses Cost?

In this section, we will break down the top companies’ courses and their costs. You may click on this link to compare the top ACT prep services available today.

Self-Guided ACT Prep

  • Price Range: $0 to $50
  • Suitable for: Students who are good at studying alone or on a tight budget

If you believe that you can study alone, you can get all the resources you need online for free. There are several free resources that you can access on the ACT website.

To start with, you will find a free 64-page study guide on the platform. In addition to that, you will have access to several materials that will help you get ready for the test. Again, all resources on the website are available on the website for free. So, it is a great place to get started.

After going through these resources, you may proceed to get yourself the ACT guidebooks. These official books can be bought on the platform for prices between $20 to $50. Other places where you can purchase guidebooks include local stores and Amazon.

With expert coaches, adaptive technology, and real-time progress monitoring, Testive can help you develop the skills and strategies you need to succeed. Check out Testive reviews to see how our program has helped students from all backgrounds and skill levels. One of the best ways to improve your chances when using this approach is to join a study group. You may create a group with some of your schoolmates and study with them. A group of students studying together with the same goal will have a wealth of knowledge to pass around. Accountability is another good advantage. Other members of your group will know when you don’t study.

If you graduated from high school years ago or were homeschooled, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a study group. Several communities make cheap or free ACT prep courses available to people who need them. So, it would be best if you visited nearby libraries or adult education centers.


➕ The benefit of using this option is that it is not just that it comes at almost no cost.

➕ It can be as beneficial as the more expensive options, provided that you stay motivated.

➕ You should also consider designing a study plan and researching the best strategies used by test takers.


➖ The main issue with this approach is staying motivated and disciplined. If not, you will find it very difficult to keep up with your study plan. The self-guided study is more suitable for people who can stick to routines. If you often have trouble following through with your plans without supervision, you shouldn’t opt for this option.

➖ Another disadvantage of this approach is that you cannot benefit from expert guidance. Though you may be able to share knowledge with your study mates, it can’t be compared with having a professional answer your questions and advise you on the best to get a high composite score.

On the topic of ACT tutoring costs, it’s also worth investigating other platforms like Varsity Tutors. If you’re wondering how much is Varsity Tutors, this detailed guide provides a comprehensive look at their services and costs. It’s important to explore multiple options to find the best fit for your budget and learning style.

Online ACT Prep Courses

  • Price Range: $100 to $1400
  • Suitable for: Students that prefer learning in a classroom environment

Though ACT prep courses are more expensive when compared to self-guided study, they offer much more benefits. To start with, the classes are specially created by experienced professionals to improve test scores effectively. So, the classes will give you a much better chance of getting a high test score.

Additionally, you will have several options to choose from when you opt for online ACT prep classes. You may choose either the learn-at-your-own-pace options or instructor-led classes that are hosted virtually. You will also have the option of choosing a format and price that suits you the best.

Furthermore, several online prep courses are very flexible, allowing students to prepare for a specific test. For instance, if you struggle with just one of the four sections, you will be allowed to target that particular section. You can significantly lower your prep course’s cost by opting for targeted classes.


➕ Several resources and courses are available. So, you will have the option of selecting a course that suits your needs and budget. The difference in the price of online prep courses can be very wide, so you should consider your options carefully after working out your budget.

➕ Also, online prep courses can be very helpful if you have a lot on your plate. By opting for self-paced classes, you get to study at the most convenient time for you. Moreover, most self-paced prep classes fully understand students have limited time. So, they make things easier by breaking learning modules into smaller bits. This will enable you to fit your ACT prep in between school, work, and extracurriculars.


➖ A lot of the cheap online prep courses are self-guided. Self-guided courses are only suitable for disciplined students. Meanwhile, several students require accountability for them to study properly. If you feel that you study better in groups or require individualized attention, these self-guided courses aren’t for you.

➖ Also, several online prep courses aim to help students cram the test questions. This isn’t the best approach. Regarding science especially, it has been proven that cramming for tests often fails. Long-term studying is much more effective for students.

➖ Additionally, some extra expenses come with online learning. For example, you find accessing most of your resources difficult without a good internet connection. Your internet has to be good enough for you to stream videos and also join live discussions.

➖ Another thing that is required for online test prep is a fairly up-to-date computer. You may have to install special software on your system for you to participate in online classes. If your computer is outdated, it may not support such software.

In-Person ACT Test Prep Courses

  • Price Range: $800 to $1800 for a course
  • Suitable for: Students that prefer the usual classroom experience and those that need the accountability associated with in-person instruction

Those familiar with the traditional high school courses should have a good idea of ACT prep courses. ACT experts and classes create in-person prep courses that certified ACT instructors mostly take. For best results, students taking in-person courses must take notes, solve problem sets, and do homework.

What sets in-person courses apart from online courses is that the former takes place in an actual classroom. The timing and location of your class will depend on who will be offering it. In certain high schools, students are offered ACT prep classes.

These classes are ideal for students because they take place before or after school. So, there is no need for students to leave the campus. You have to choose the option that suits you best between before and after school classes. However, if neither of these options suits you, several prep providers teach on the weekends.

The major advantage of an in-person prep course is that you get an instructor that breaks down complicated materials. The instructor will be ready to answer any question that you may have and even give you one-on-one attention. Unlike in virtual environments, you will have someone standing next to you to explain tricky concepts and questions.


➕ One of the best things about an in-person prep course is that it is just like the classes that you have been having. So, you won’t have to go through the trouble of learning the contents of a book alone or navigating virtual classrooms. All you have to do is to show up with your notebook and start learning.

➕ Since the service is usually provided by either schools or ACT-certified companies, you should expect a high-quality educational experience. Your teachers will be well-experienced and qualified professionals. So they can share the best tricks and tips with you.

➕ Furthermore, in-person prep classes will allow you to enjoy hands-on instruction while being cheaper than one-on-one tutoring. This may be the best option for you if you prefer learning in a classroom environment.


➖ Since in-person classes are structured like traditional classes, you must be present at a particular time and regularly. If you don’t have lots of free time, this type can make your schedule much more complicated. Also, this program isn’t offered by all schools. So, you may need a reliable means of transportation to keep up.

➖ Additionally, students participating in this program have to take notes that they study after class. Despite its effectiveness, many students agree that in-person classes require a high level of dedication for the desired results to be achieved. So, you may have to consider another option if you are already on a tight schedule.

Understanding ACT tutoring costs is crucial to budgeting your prep time. As a next step, you may want to explore how much does cost. Comparing different platforms and understanding their fee structures can help you choose the most economical and effective tutoring solution for your ACT prep.

One-on-One ACT Tutoring

  • Price Range: $40 to $200 hourly, $1000 total
  • Suitable for: Students who have trouble finding motivation, prefer one-on-one explanations, or are unable to cover the exam’s material on their own

Private tutoring is arguably the best way to study for the ACT. A private tutor will be able to tailor your study process based on your unique strengths and weaknesses. However, you should note that the cost of ACT tutoring is high. It is the least affordable option in this guide.

ACT tutoring cost per hour can be as high as $200 hourly. Still, it remains the best option for you if you have been struggling with your ACT preparations. Whatever the problem may be, you will get a personalized solution to it.

Additionally, learners who find it difficult to study independently will benefit a lot from tutoring. Having someone by you throughout your ACT prep journey should keep you focused and help you get the desired score in the end.


➕ During individual tutoring, it will be very easy to discover your strengths and weaknesses. In addition to that, an experienced tutor will pay attention to your study habits and design a study that suits your needs. Since you will be able to target any material you are having issues with, this option has the potential to boost your test score.

➕ Similar to prep courses, one-on-one tutoring allows you to work with a certified ACT professional. But instead of sharing a class with several others, you will receive your tutor’s undivided attention. Finally, you will have someone to hold you accountable.


➖ The major problem with this option is how expensive the private ACT tutoring cost is. Not all families will be able to afford one-on-one tutoring. Yet, the quality of private tutors varies. Some so-called “ACT tutors” are just college students that have passed the test. So, it would help if you did proper research to get a real ACT expert.

➖ Additionally, investing in one-on-one tutoring doesn’t guarantee that you will get a high test score. You are the only one that can raise your test score in the end. So, you should ensure that you stay focused throughout your prep.

Should You Opt for ACT Tutoring at All?

The cost of ACT tutoring is definitely a good investment if you are looking to boost your test score. According to an ACT working paper released in 2018, individual tutors truly increase their students’ scores.

You can check the list of the largest tutoring companies out there and compare the prices and guarantees on our blog.


  1. Where can I find top ACT tutors at affordable rates?

We understand how difficult it can be to find top tutors at affordable prices. So, we have reviewed the top services and companies providing tutors and ACT prep courses. You will also be able to learn the cost of tutoring ACT math and the average cost of SAT tutoring.

  1. Are there any discounts for ACT prep courses?

Yes, there are several service providers and companies that offer discounts to students in search of ACT prep courses.

  1. How much does private tutoring cost per hour for the ACT?

The ACT tutoring average cost is between $40 to $200 hourly. Despite the high cost of ACT tutoring per hour, you should still consider opting for it due to its effectiveness.

  1. How long does the ACT test take?

The time allowed for the test is 175 minutes. But if breaks are considered, the test takes 210 minutes.

  1. What to bring on ACT test day?

The items that you need to have with you on ACT test day include an admission ticket, acceptable photo identification, mask, no. 2 pencil, a watch, calculator, and snacks.

  1. What is the ACT Aspire test?

The Aspire test is carried out to identify students’ educational growth to ensure that they are ready for college. It covers English, reading, math, science, and writing.


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