EduReviewerBlogHow Much Do College Consultants Charge?
Admission Consulting

How Much Do College Consultants Charge?

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Attending college and getting a step closer to your career goals is probably the goal that you have. It is not the end of the world if you decide on the wrong college. There is always enough place to fix the issue of that type.

But why would you expose yourself to such a risk? Why would you spend more time than usual when there is a college consultant who can solve all your doubts?

Unfortunately, many students (as well as their parents) do not decide on that step. The reason why they decide on that move is always the same – lack of quality information. The primary doubt young people and their parents have is how much do college consultants charge.

We have to say one thing – you will not spend a fortune! However, answering that question is not as easy as it seems. There are multiple things we would like to determine together with you before providing answers on what college consultants typically charge.

How Much Does College Counseling Cost?

Service Description Average Price
College Selection Find the best-fit colleges for your academic profile, interests, and goals. $500-$3000
Application Strategy Plan your application timeline, choose your major and activities, and craft your personal brand. $1000-$5000
Essay Editing Brainstorm, write, and polish your college essays. $100-$300 per essay
Interview Preparation Practice and improve your interview skills and confidence. $100-$250 per hour
Comprehensive Package All aspects of the college admission process from start to finish. $5000-$20,000

Here is the comparison of the price range of the top 3 college admissions consulting firms right now:

Consultant Price Range
Admissionado $2,850 – $6,250
BeMo Academic Consulting $850 – $5,950
Admit Advantage $1,650 – $7,500

What Is a College Consultant?

How significant this job position is, confirms the fact that it has different names. Some people will name these individuals college coaches, while others will name them college counselors. But, the most common phrase that people around the USA use is college consultant.

In the short term, a college coach can be some sort of superhero for young adults as well as their parents. Thanks to their knowledge and expertise, they know how to prepare and guide the students throughout the competitive college admission process.

What Do College Consultants Do?

If you decide to hire one, a bunch of tough questions will finally get answered. For instance, you will know to recognize the right college that suits your talents and personal preferences, get more information about standardized tests, where and how to apply, etc. You can be sure that the entire process will be less stressful while the level of uncertainty will go down!

Why Should Someone Hire a College Consultant?

We do understand why one of the biggest concerns you have is how much does a college consultant cost. You are not pretty sure what exactly you can get from that small investment. Well, it is about time to change that way of thinking and hear the list of reasons why hiring a college coach would be a good choice!

Apart from college consultant fees, you might be interested in exploring online tutoring options. Our article delves into the specifics of how much cost, offering a detailed breakdown of their per-hour rates and package deals. It’s an informative resource to compare the value it offers with alternatives.

Their Expertise Can Meal a Lot to You!

Understanding the college admissions process is not as easy as you think. For starters, the rules and standards of this procedure are changing almost every single year. Because of that, if you are not experienced in the educational field, you won’t manage to understand those changes completely. Besides, you can even miss some of them and the lack of information can guide you and your parents in the wrong direction.

No, you do not have to know how to become a college consultant as someone else already passed all the tests and got all the licenses instead of you. All the college counselors pass strict training where they get the necessary knowledge. Their expertise allowed them to become members of some of the most professional associations such as IECA, NACAC, and others.

Being a member of mentioned associations is not something that should inspire you. However, something worth mentioning is that all those organizations organize conferences where the latest trends are analyzed. Because of that, you can be sure that your consultant is going to be properly informed.

All things that we mentioned in the previous part of the text confirm that they are experts in this particular field. Their expertise can certainly make the entire process easier for you and ensure that you find the right college.

You Will Find the Right College!

According to the latest studies, the dropout rate for college students was around 40%. The reasons why that high dropout rate is present are various. However, the main reason is the inability of young adults to find a college that fits them the most!

In case you have the same problem, there is something that we need to share with you. You should not only chase those colleges that will potentially ensure you a proper income in the future. Instead of that, you should focus on those colleges that will socially, academically, geographically, and personally be a good fit for you.

Okay, you are probably experiencing a headache right now, aren’t you? Well, if that’s the case, the best possible thing you could do is to hire a college coach. All the consultants are actively visiting and analyzing a bunch of colleges across the country. Despite that, they are regularly connected with the admissions officers who always provide them with proper feedback valuable to you.

Consultant’s connections and ability to follow the work of different universities will help you find the college that is a full match to your personality, career, and financial expectations. Doesn’t this seem like a good option?

You and Your Parents Will Learn How to Organize Your Budget

You and Your Parents Will Learn How to Organize Your Budget

It doesn’t need to surprise us why you and your parents want to know how much does college consulting costs. The colleges themselves are pretty expensive, and every additional expense can harm the overall budget that you have. However, what if that small investment can help you pay off your future education?

All college consultants will invest a lot of effort to provide some financial lessons for the entire family. You and your parents will get precise tips on how to organize your budget to pay for the college without sacrificing some basic stuff and other daily costs.

Despite that, thanks to the information that these experts have, you will be informed about the potential financial aid programs that are available for the families like yours.

To conclude, investing in college consulting is going to pay off in the end!

You Will Get All the Attention

There are not many official studies that research college coaching. However, there is one research that we would like to share here with you.

Believe it or not, the student to a school counselor is 250:1. More precisely, there are more than 50 million students and less than 120 thousand college coaches.

During the entire collaboration procedure, you will constantly communicate with determined individuals one by one. He or she will have enough time and energy to explore your personality, talents, and financial and career goals, and find the college that is matchable with your personal preferences.

Peace of Mind

If you ask us, peace of mind is priceless! It is one of the main reasons why young adults, as well as their parents, actually decide on this move. Tiny details that you have to face on your path to finding the best college for your needs are making the entire procedure stressful.

For example, it happens that young individuals completely forget to sign up for an interview or accidentally miss the deadlines. All the mistakes that you could potentially make a strike against you. Because of that, if you want to ensure peace of mind, hiring an expert that will guide you is an ideal solution!

On the other hand, parents are also experiencing a high level of stress. They are aware of the importance of college selection as well as the education they will get later.

No one says that formal education is perfect, but it certainly has an influence on the behavior, personal development, and professional growth of a child. Because of that, they want to ensure that their child is making the best possible solution.

Understanding costs is crucial for planning your educational journey or career transition. While we’ve covered college consultant charges, have you ever wondered about the cost of hiring a career coach? Our in-depth guide reveals all the factors that can affect how much a career coach cost, from their experience to the services they provide.

Fortunately, with the assistance of a professional with long experience in this area of life, moms and dads will get the necessary support and guarantee everything will go in the right direction!

Now when we highlighted all the reasons why someone should hire a college consultant, let’s move to the main point. Let’s find out together how much do college admissions consultants charge.

How Much Do College Admissions Consultants Charge?

How Much Do College Admissions Consultants Charge?

We have finally come to the part that you have all been waiting for. However, we have to disappoint you as answering that question is not easy. For starters, the total amount of money you will have to spend depends on the fee structure of the company or individual you plan to hire. Despite that, it also depends on how much assistance and guidelines you exactly need.

Generally speaking, the amount of money you will have to spend varies from $850 to $10.000. Most consulting companies will offer you a couple of packages to choose from. On average, people will have to spend $6000 on consulting services.

However, not all the coaches will charge upfront. Instead of that, some of them will determine the hourly fee before you start the collaboration. The total amount will depend on the time he or she spends guiding a young adult. According to these statistics, the national average hourly rate of college consultants is $53.49. The most expensive ones are in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles.

But, Experts Can Sometimes Be Reasonable!

It would be unfair not to mention that all the college coaches can be reasonable. Families that are not financially stable or struggle to cover the costs of this service, will offer a better price. That only confirms their goal is not to only take money from their clients; they truly worry about the future of the young kids as well as their career and personal development. You just need to find a company or individual that will put your financial situation into consideration.

Which Characteristics Do Professional College Consultants Have?

We will start this part with a quote. William A. Pasmore said once – “There is art and science to advanced consulting. It matters more who you are than what you do”. That is a piece of advice you should remember when looking for the best consultant for your child! Certain characteristics are a must-have!

The list of characteristics we stated here counts for all types of consulting services (not just college coaches). Price may be lower in some places, but money should not be the only factor that influences your selection. Let’s find them out together!

Communication Skills Have to Be Top-Notch

We need to explain something crucial here. The consultant you hire must not be only a good speaker. Of course, the pieces of advice that young adults get should be clear.

However, the task of every college coach is to be a good listener as well. That means they need to understand your career goals, ambitions, personal characteristics, and other relevant pieces of information pretty well. That way, the child will get the appropriate feedback while the individual college counselor will manage to ensure that everything goes in the right direction.

Confidence Has to Be at the highest level

How on earth are parents and students going to trust the career consultant if he/she is not self-confident? The person you hire needs to truly believe in the positive outcome of your collaboration. That way, you won’t only get guarantees; you will get an additional source of motivation!

Credentials and Experience

Last, but not least, a perfect college consultant will have credentials that guarantee his/her expertise. If he/she truly is an expert, then being a member of IECA or HECA as well as possessing a license are good proves.

Despite that, every parent has the right to look for social proof. Because of that, the perfect college coaches will always provide you with more information about the achievements they had in the past.


We have finally come to the end of this long-form article. Students, as well as their parents, now know how much is college admissions consulting. At first glance, some college consulting firms may be a bit expensive, but the benefits you can get are outstanding.

Besides, peace of mind is priceless, and you can be sure that the investments you make are going to pay off one day! Are you ready to start your research?


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