EduReviewerCoursesCoursera+ Review: Does It Have the Best Courses?

Coursera+ Review: Does It Have the Best Courses?

By Alina Burakova, Updated June 13, 2024


Our opinion here is not influenced by the company reviewed, even if we are partners. Read how exactly our team scrutinizes online services here.

About Coursera
Lowest price$49
Charged per month
Promo CodeN/A
Pros & Cons My Verdict
  • Extensive course catalog covering a wide range of subjects and disciplines.
  • Collaboration with top universities and institutions ensures high-quality course content.
  • Flexible learning options with self-paced courses and access to materials at any time.
  • Certification options to validate learning and enhance credentials.
  • Interactive exercises and assessments for practical application of knowledge.
  • Supportive learning community with forums and peer interaction.
  • Limited availability of certain specializations.
  • Some courses may have varying levels of instructor quality or engagement.
  • Not all courses offer a free audit option, requiring payment for full access.
  • Pricing structure can be expensive for individual course purchases.
  • Dependency on an internet connection for accessing course materials.


  • Coursera collaborates with renowned universities and institutions, ensuring the delivery of high-quality courses taught by experts in their respective fields.
  • The platform's rigorous evaluation processes, diverse course catalog, and interactive learning resources contribute to a robust and comprehensive learning experience.

Value for Money

  • Coursera provides a range of pricing options, including individual course purchases and subscription plans like Coursera Plus. These options offer learners flexibility in accessing courses based on their specific needs and budgets.
  • The value for money is evident through the unlimited access to courses, certification opportunities, and practical application exercises offered by Coursera.

Student Feedback

  • Positive student feedback and reviews highlight the effectiveness of Coursera in helping learners achieve their educational goals.
  • Learners appreciate the polite and helpful support staff, diverse course offerings, user-friendly interface, and the ability to learn at their own pace.
  • Coursera's reputation as a trusted and reputable platform further validates its effectiveness.
  • Given these three main points, it is clear that Coursera is a good company that provides a valuable and enriching online learning experience.
  • Learners can confidently utilize Coursera's platform to enhance their knowledge, acquire new skills, and progress towards their personal and professional goals.
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Why Should I Listen to You?

Taking into account this Coursera Plus review is crucial for anyone considering signing up for online courses. By reading an honest evaluation of Coursera Plus, you can gain valuable insights into its benefits, drawbacks, and key design choices that affect the user experience.

This review of Coursera considers factors such as course quality, features, prices, website usability, value for money, students’ feedback, and guarantees.

Understanding these aspects will help you make an informed decision about whether Coursera Plus is the right eLearning solution for your educational goals.

I delved into the platform and explored various course videos and other courses designed to provide a firsthand account of Coursera’s user experience. My experiments gave me insights into the interface, features, and overall learning environment.

coursera courses overview

By incorporating personal and collective experiences, this review offers a comprehensive perspective on Coursera’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall suitability for online degree and program for online learners.

I also conducted thorough research, analyzed user reviews, and studied experiences shared on platforms like YouTube and Reddit.

Features of Coursera's Courses

When it comes to online learning, Coursera stands out from other popular online learning platforms with its impressive features and offerings.

In this section, we will explore what makes Coursera a valuable platform for learners and highlight its main features that set it apart from other online course providers.

Who will find this platform helpful?

Coursera is a versatile platform that caters to a wide range of learners, making it helpful for various individuals, including:

  • Lifelong Learners: Coursera appeals to those who have a thirst for knowledge and seek continuous learning opportunities in diverse subjects.
  • Career Advancers: Professionals looking to upskill, acquire new certifications, or enhance their employability can find relevant courses and programs on Coursera.
  • Students and Academics: Coursera offers courses from prestigious universities, making it an excellent resource for supplementing academic studies or exploring new disciplines.
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals: The platform offers specialized courses and certifications on entrepreneurship, business management, data analysis, and more, catering to the needs of business-minded individuals.

Main Features of Coursera Courses

  • High-Quality Content: Coursera partners with top universities and institutions worldwide, ensuring the courses are taught by renowned experts and maintain a high standard of quality.
  • Diverse Course Catalog: Coursera boasts a vast catalog of over 3,000 courses, covering various disciplines, including arts, sciences, technology, business, and more. This wide selection ensures learners can find courses aligned with their interests and goals.
  • Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning: Coursera offers self-paced courses, allowing learners to study at their convenience and set their own learning pace. This flexibility is beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who prefer a more personalized learning experience.
  • Certificates and Credentials: Coursera provides certificates of completion for most courses, offering learners tangible proof of their achievements. Additionally, the platform offers specialized learning programs and professional certificates, enhancing learners’ credentials and career prospects.
  • Learning Support and Community Engagement: Coursera facilitates community engagement through discussion forums, enabling learners to connect with peers, seek assistance, and collaborate.This interactive aspect enhances the learning experience and creates a sense of belonging within the Coursera community.

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As we delve deeper into this review, you will discover additional compelling reasons why Coursera shines among its competitors.

We will go deeper into the benefits and drawbacks of Coursera Plus, analyze its key design choices, and provide real insights from users’ experiences.

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Coursera’s offerings and whether it is the right platform to unlock your potential through online learning.

If you’re considering Edureka and Coursera for your online learning needs, our side-by-side comparison will help you make an informed decision.

How to enroll in a Coursera course?

Enrolling in a Coursera course is a simple process that offers various options depending on your preferences and goals. Here’s a step-by-step coursera accredited guide:

Choose an Enrollment Option:

  • Course Certificate: Enroll in a single course and receive a certificate upon completion.
  • Specializations: Enroll in a series of related courses within a specialization to master a specific topic.
  • Coursera Plus: Sign up for a Coursera Plus membership for unlimited access to the majority of courses.
  • Financial Aid or Scholarship: Apply for financial aid or scholarship opportunities for eligible courses.
  • Audit Only: Audit courses for free access to course materials, excluding graded assignments and certificates.

Enroll in the Course:

  • Visit the course information page and click on the “Enroll” button.
  • Select the enrollment option that suits your needs.
  • If applicable, choose the payment or aid/scholarship option during the enrollment process.

Start the Course:

  • Once enrolled, you can begin the course immediately.
  • Access course materials, lectures, assignments, and discussion forums.
  • Manage your learning pace and progress through the course content.

Resetting Assignment Deadlines

  • If you need to take a break, remember to reset your assignment deadlines to accommodate your schedule.

Access to Paid Content:

  • Upon completion of a paid course, access to the paid content will no longer be available.
  • Free content, including transcripts and videos, will remain accessible.

Enrolling in a Coursera course provides a flexible and comprehensive learning experience, allowing you to acquire new skills and knowledge in a variety of subjects.

Choose the enrollment option that best suits your learning objectives and embark on your educational journey!

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Coursera Prices

Coursera offers a range of pricing options for its courses, allowing learners to choose the plan that best suits their needs.

The cost of Coursera’s courses can vary depending on the type of course and the subscription plan chosen.

Here is an overview of the pricing structure:

Plan Price Features
Single Course Pricing The pricing for single courses typically ranges from $49 to $79 per month. Learners can purchase individual courses or specializations at a monthly cost, allowing them to focus on specific topics or acquire targeted skills.

Learners receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

Coursera Plus Subscription The monthly subscription for Coursera Plus is $59 per month. Subscribers gain access to all courses and specializations (7,000+) offered by over 170 leading companies and universities.

Learners can earn unlimited certificates for completed courses.

Access to over 1,000 applied projects and practical labs, providing hands-on experience and skill development.

Choose from 15+ professional certificate programs offered by industry leaders like Google and Facebook.

A monthly subscription can be canceled at any time.

Annual Subscription The annual subscription is priced at $399 per year. Offers all the benefits of the monthly plan.

Subscribers can save by prepaying for a year.

Provides a guarantee of a refund within 14 days.

Allows learners to learn at their own pace, maintaining a work-life balance.

Payment Options

Coursera provides several payment options to facilitate a seamless user experience. The available payment methods may vary depending on the learner’s location. Common payment options include:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Coursera accepts major credit and debit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
  • PayPal: Learners can make payments through their PayPal accounts, offering an additional layer of convenience and security.
  • Coursera Gift Cards: Gift cards can be redeemed to cover the cost of courses or subscriptions on Coursera.

Moreover, Coursera offers financial aid to learners who need help to afford the cost of a course certificate. Learners can apply for financial aid during the enrollment process.

If approved, they can access all the online education course and materials and complete the graded assignments as required to earn a certificate. It’s important to note that not all courses offer financial aid, but most do.

When applying for financial aid for a specialization, separate applications are required for each course within the specialization, as financial aid cannot be transferred across different courses or same course.

Overall, Coursera’s pricing options and payment methods ensure accessibility and cater to the diverse needs of learners.

Whether learners prefer to pay per course or opt for a subscription plan, Coursera provides a user-friendly and flexible payment experience, empowering individuals to pursue their educational goals conveniently and within their budget.

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Quality of the Material and Courses Provided

Coursera is renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality online courses.

The platform collaborates with leading universities, institutions, and subject matter experts to deliver a rich and rigorous learning experience.

Here are some key aspects related to the quality of Coursera courses:

Instructors and Experts:

  • Coursera courses are developed and taught by esteemed professors, industry professionals, and experts in their respective fields.
  • These instructors bring their expertise, academic credentials, and real-world experience to deliver comprehensive and engaging course content.

University and Institution Partnerships:

  • Coursera has partnerships with top universities and institutions worldwide, including Stanford, Yale, and Princeton.
  • These partnerships ensure that the courses offered on the platform maintain a high standard of academic quality.

Course Evaluation and Peer Review:

  • Courses on Coursera undergo a rigorous evaluation process to ensure their quality and alignment with learning objectives.
  • Peer review is often employed as a mechanism to provide feedback and improve course content.

Learning Resources and Assessments:

  • Coursera courses feature a variety of learning resources, including videos, readings, quizzes, and assignments.
  • The assessments are designed to evaluate learners’ understanding and application of course materials, contributing to a robust learning experience.

Coursera provides certain guarantees to ensure learners’ satisfaction and protection. These guarantees may vary based on the specific course or subscription plan.

Some common guarantees offered by Coursera include:

  • Money-Back Guarantee:

Coursera offers a refund policy within a specified timeframe, allowing learners to request a refund if they are dissatisfied with the course or subscription.

  • Privacy and Data Protection:

Coursera prioritizes the privacy and security of learners’ personal information and ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

How It Differs from Other Courses

Coursera sets itself apart from other online courses through various distinguishing factors:

Extensive Course Catalog:

  • Coursera offers a vast catalog of over 7,000 courses, covering a wide range of subjects and disciplines.
  • This extensive selection provides learners with diverse options and the opportunity to explore various areas of interest.

Renowned University and Institution Partnerships:

  • Coursera has established partnerships with prestigious universities and institutions worldwide.
  • These partnerships ensure that learners have access to high-quality, academically rigorous courses developed by esteemed educational institutions.

Learning Pathways and Specializations:

  • Coursera offers specialized learning programs called specializations, allowing learners to develop comprehensive knowledge in specific domains.
  • These learning pathways provide structured curriculum tracks and enable learners to gain expertise in specific areas.

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Moreover, I have recently completed one specialization and I am excited to share my positive coursera of data science and computer science to review, as it offered a well-structured curriculum and hands-on projects that enhanced my understanding of data science, computer data, computer science,,, and computer science concepts and techniques!

Flexibility and Accessibility:

  • Coursera offers self-paced courses, allowing learners to study at their own convenience and set their own learning pace.
  • The platform’s accessibility and user-friendly interface make it easy for learners to access course materials from anywhere and at any time.

Coursera’s commitment to quality, diverse course offerings, prestigious partnerships, and learner-centric approach distinguishes it as a leading platform in the online learning landscape.

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Coursera vs. Udemy vs. edX

In the table below, we compare Coursera, Udemy, and edX based on prices, value (what you get), and quality.

Criteria Coursera Udemy edX
Pricing Varied: Individual courses ($49-79) Varies by course ($9-300+) Free courses, Paid certificates
Coursera Plus ($59/month, $399/year) Subscription-based ($13.99-19.99)
Value Wide range of courses and specializations Large selection of courses Courses from prestigious universities
Unlimited access with Coursera Plus Lifetime access to purchased courses Courses from top institutions
Certificates and specializations No subscription required Certificates and MicroMasters
Quality Courses from renowned universities and institutions Varies (some high-quality, others not) Courses from top institutions
Rigorous evaluation and peer review Depends on individual course quality Rigorous academic standards

Coursera stands out with its extensive catalog of computer science and courses and specializations offered by prestigious universities.

It provides unlimited access through Coursera Plus, ensuring continuous learning opportunities. The platform’s commitment to quality and rigorous evaluation sets a high standard for course content.

Udemy offers a wide variety of courses at different price points, giving learners flexibility in choosing topics of interest.

While course quality may vary, learners can access lifetime access to purchased courses, providing long-term value.

edX offers a mix of free courses online degrees and paid certificates online degrees. It features courses from top institutions established by leading universities worldwide, emphasizing academic rigor.

Learners can pursue MicroMasters programs and earn verified professional certificates too, enhancing their credentials.

Ultimately, the choice between these platforms depends on individual preferences, learning goals, and budget.

Coursera’s focus on quality and partnerships with prestigious institutions, coupled with the value provided through Coursera Plus, make it an appealing option for those seeking a comprehensive online learning experience.

Value for Money at Coursera Plus

Coursera Plus is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive and cost-effective online learning experience.

Evaluating whether Coursera Plus is worth the price depends on individual learning goals, preferences, and usage patterns.

Here are some considerations to help assess the value for money provided by Coursera Plus:

Unlimited Access to Courses:

Coursera Plus offers subscribers unlimited access to a vast library of courses and specializations.

Learners can explore and enroll in multiple courses simultaneously without any additional costs.

For avid learners who actively engage in multiple courses, the unlimited access feature can provide significant value compared to purchasing individual courses separately.

Wide Range of Courses and Specializations:

Coursera Plus grants access to a diverse catalog of over 7,000 courses and specializations offered by leading universities and institutions.

Learners can choose from a wide array of topics and disciplines, with many courses, allowing them to explore various areas of interest or pursue targeted learning paths.

The breadth language learning. and depth of course offerings enhance the value proposition of Coursera Plus, enabling learners to acquire new skills and knowledge across multiple languages and domains.

Additionally, I would like to share my Coursera Big Data Specialization review, highlighting the comprehensive curriculum and practical projects that have provided me with valuable skills in handling and analyzing large datasets.

Certificates of Completion:

Coursera Plus subscribers have the opportunity to complete courses and earn certificates of completion for courses they successfully finish.

These professional certificates can enhance learners’ credentials, validate their achievements, their career skills and demonstrate proficiency in specific subjects.

The value of certificates varies depending on individual career goals, industry requirements, and the reputation of the professional certificate issuing institutions.

Professional Certifications and Applied Projects:

Coursera Plus provides access to professional certification programs offered by industry leaders such as Google, Facebook, and others.

These master’s degree programs offer specialized knowledge and credentials that can boost career prospects and demonstrate expertise in specific fields.

Additionally, the availability of applied projects and practical lab work further enhances the value of Coursera Plus, enabling learners to gain hands-on experience and apply their knowledge.

Test Preparation:

Coursera Plus offers a wide range of courses that can be helpful for test preparation, depending on the specific exam.

Learners can find the massive open online courses, covering various subjects and domains, which can assist in developing the knowledge and skills needed for tests.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of Coursera Plus for test preparation may vary depending on the exam’s content and format.

Supplementing specialized test preparation resources and materials may be necessary for comprehensive test readiness.

Ultimately, the value of Coursera Plus depends on individual needs and preferences.

For learners seeking access to a vast range of courses, continuous learning opportunities, and the flexibility to explore diverse subjects, Coursera Plus can offer substantial value for the price.

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The Most Popular Courses on Coursera

Course Client Opinions My Take
Machine Learning “The Machine Learning course on Coursera is exceptional. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject, and the assignments help solidify the concepts.” I appreciate the course’s depth and practical assignments that reinforce understanding.
Python for Everybody “Python for Everybody is a fantastic course for beginners. The instructor explains concepts clearly, and the exercises allow for hands-on practice.” I find the course engaging and well-structured, making it accessible for learners new to programming.
Financial Markets “The Financial Markets course offers valuable insights into the world of finance. The instructor’s expertise and real-world examples make the subject matter engaging and relevant.” I value the course’s practical approach, which helps bridge the gap between theory and real-world finance.
Learning How to Learn “Learning How to Learn is a game-changer. It equips learners with effective strategies to enhance learning and overcome challenges. The course is engaging and offers practical techniques.” The course provides valuable tools and techniques for improving learning efficiency, and the insights shared are applicable to various subjects.
Full Stack Web Development “Full Stack Web Development courses on Coursera provide comprehensive training in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools to equip learners with the skills needed to build robust and dynamic web applications. These courses cover topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server-side programming, databases, and deployment.” In my coursera full stack web development review, I found it to be comprehensive and well-structured, covering essential concepts and practical skills necessary for building web applications.
The Science of Well-Being “The Science of Well-Being is a transformative course that offers practical tips for improving happiness and well-being. The interactive exercises and research-backed content make it incredibly valuable.” I admire the course’s emphasis on applying positive psychology principles to daily life, leading to personal growth and well-being.

These popular courses have garnered positive feedback from clients, indicating their effectiveness and value in terms of content, instruction, and practical application. They showcase the diversity and quality of courses available on Coursera’s free courses, catering to learners with varying interests and objectives.

coursera positive feedbacks

How to Find the Best Coursera Courses

Coursera offers a excellent filtering system for its users. You will find the best courses in a few clicks. This can be refined according to the skills required, job titles, level, languages type or creators.

It also helps with language and is not a requirement for enrolling in Coursera’s courses.

Many classes in English offer subtitles video lectures in different languages such as Arabic, French or English. This information can be found online course or at the course videos description page.

Coursera Free Trial

Coursera gives customers free trial for 7 days except for Indian customers. If you have enrolled in the first subscription the 7 day free trial training is available at coursera cost no extra charge.

Once the 7 day free trial period is the 7 day free trial is over, you will receive the payment for the first month and then cancel.

Most Popular Coursera Courses

It was interesting to show the most common courses according to a particular learning program. The course was selected based on feedback from past students.

Guided Projects

Learn job-related skills in less than two hours. Small interactive course teaches subject experts. Choose between 780+. Explore Guided projects.

What sort of courses does Coursera offer?

Coursera offers a diverse range of online courses and online degree, online degrees that extend beyond traditional degree programs established universities. These online degrees and courses cover various subjects and are provided by accredited institutions.

Whether you’re seeking to acquire job skills, gain knowledge in a specific field, or enhance your professional development, Coursera provides ample choices to cater to your learning needs.

Course Type Average Time Price Good For
Guided Projects 1-2 hours From $9.99/mo Learning job skills fast
Courses 4-12 hours Free or paid Learning certain skills and gaining knowledge
Specializations 1-3 months From $39/mo Mastering a specific skill
Professional Certificates 1-6 months From $39/mo Learning new skills for an in-demand career
MasterTrack Certificates 4-7 months From $2,000 Earning credit towards a degree and a university-issued Certificate
Degrees 2-4 years From $9,000 Earning Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

Tips for Finding the Perfect Coursera Plus Course

coursera course example

  • Use the filter feature: Utilize the Filter by feature to narrow down your search based on specific criteria such as skills, job title, level, language, and more.
  • Read the course description: Gain insight into the course topics, areas of focus, and what you can expect to learn.
  • Explore the “About this Course” section: Discover the skills you will acquire from the course, helping you determine if it aligns with your objectives.
  • Review the syllabus: Understand the breakdown of each week’s content, including videos, reading material, and quizzes, to gauge the course’s depth and time commitment.
  • Read reviews: Learn from past students by reading reviews and ratings, providing valuable feedback and insights into the course’s quality and effectiveness.
  • Utilize review filters: Filter reviews by learner type and rating to focus on those most relevant to your search and preferences.
  • Check out the instructor: Review the instructor’s bio, prior experience, websites, social media handles, and other courses they teach to gauge their expertise and teaching style.

By following these tips, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect Coursera course that meets your learning goals and interests.

If you’re considering Teachable as a platform for creating and selling your courses, then our review might help you make your decision by comparing it with Coursera’s costs.

Student Feedback & Online Reputation

Coursera aims to provide excellent customer support to its learners. While individual experiences may vary, Coursera’s support staff is generally known to be polite, considerate, and helpful.

Learners have reported positive interactions with Coursera’s support team when seeking assistance with various issues, such as technical difficulties, account inquiries, or billing matters.

Coursera strives to address learners’ concerns promptly and provide solutions to ensure a smooth learning experience.

Coursera’s reputation is largely positive, with many learners praising the platform for its quality courses, prestigious university partnerships, and user-friendly interface.

However, it’s important to note that instructor feedback and the various peer reviews and peer grading and the peer grading and reviews themselves. can vary depending on individual experiences, course offerings, and instructors.

coursera plus feedback

By exploring genuine reviews from previous clients, you can gain valuable perspectives on course content, instructor quality, platform usability, and support staff interactions.

This research will enable you to make an informed decision about whether Coursera aligns with your specific learning needs and preferences.

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As an experienced user who has been using Coursera’s free courses for a significant period, I am pleased to admit that Coursera has consistently exceeded my expectations in delivering high-quality online courses.

The diverse range of subjects language courses and specializations offered by most language courses and in top universities and institutions worldwide has enabled me to expand my knowledge and acquire valuable skills.

The instructors are experts in their fields, delivering engaging and well-structured content that is easily digestible.

The flexibility of self-paced learning has allowed me to balance my studies with other commitments, while the interactive exercises and assessments have reinforced my understanding and provided practical application opportunities.

The support staff has consistently been polite, considerate, and responsive, promptly addressing any queries or concerns I have had.

Overall, the Coursera platform has been instrumental in my continuous learning journey, offering a user-friendly interface, comprehensive online course, materials, and a supportive learning community.

  • Extensive course catalog covering a wide range of subjects and disciplines.
  • Collaboration with top universities and institutions ensures high-quality course content.
  • Flexible learning options with self-paced courses and access to materials at any time.
  • Certification options to validate learning and enhance credentials.
  • Interactive exercises and assessments for practical application of knowledge.
  • Supportive learning community with forums and peer interaction.
  • Limited availability of certain specializations.
  • Some courses may have varying levels of instructor quality or engagement.
  • Not all courses offer a free audit option, requiring payment for full access.
  • Pricing structure can be expensive for individual course purchases.
  • Dependency on an internet connection for accessing course materials.


Is Coursera really good?

Yes, Coursera is a highly reputable and respected platform for online learning. coursera certificate It offers high-quality courses, collaborations with top universities and institutions, like stanford university, massive open online courses, many courses, and coursera worth a supportive and popular, online education and learning platforms and community.

Are Coursera certificates worth it?

Coursera certificates are worth it as they provide tangible proof of completing a course or specialization. They can enhance your resume, validate your skills, and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning.

Are any Coursera courses worth it?

Yes, the many courses at Coursera courses are free course worth it. Whether you’re looking to acquire new skills, gain knowledge in a specific subject, or enhance your professional development, the Coursera course and free course will provides valuable and worthwhile learning opportunities.

Is Udemy better than Coursera?

It depends on individual preferences and learning needs. Udemy offers a wide range of courses, while Coursera’s courses, focuses on partnerships with universities.

Is Coursera good for a resume?

Yes, Coursera courses and certificates can enhance your resume, showcasing continuous learning and acquired skills.

Which is better, edX or Coursera?

The choice depends on personal preferences. Both platforms offer reputable courses, but edX emphasizes courses from top institutions.

Do Coursera certificates expire?

No, once you have earned a certificate for completing a course, you will have access to it indefinitely, allowing you to showcase your achievements online degrees and credentials without an expiration date.

How much is a certificate on Coursera worth?

The cost of a professional certificate here on Coursera varies depending on the course and specialization, typically ranging from $29 to $99.

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