Prices: Know This Before Signing Up
Online Learning Prices: Know This Before Signing Up

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Thinking of learning a new language? Want a platform that’s both fun and effective? You might have stumbled upon Memrise, a popular language-learning app. But how much does Memrise cost?

Today, we dive deep into the world of prices. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from their basic free offering to the full-featured premium plans and how these prices compare to other language learning apps in the market.

How Much Does Memrise Cost?

Subscription Cost
Monthly $14.99
Annual $89.99
Lifetime $199.99

Let’s take a closer look at how much Memrise costs and what value you receive for your money. Memrise offers a free version, but to unlock the full potential of this language-learning platform, a subscription to Memrise Pro is necessary.

Considering the extensive range of features that Memrise Pro offers, many users find it to be a good value for money. With Pro, you get unlimited access to all language courses, advanced learning features such as hard words and offline mode, and comprehensive learning statistics to track your progress.

The platform’s unique learning approach, using cognitively-savvy methods and immersive content, is highly praised for making language learning efficient and enjoyable.

As for discounts, Memrise often offers promotional prices during certain times of the year, like the back-to-school season or during holidays. Students, in particular, can take advantage of these discounts to make the Pro subscription more affordable.

Furthermore, the annual plan is particularly cost-effective, coming in at less than $7.50 a month. For the price of a coffee, you can access a powerful and engaging tool that supports your language-learning journey. This makes Memrise a rather affordable option for students and budget-conscious learners, offering them a high-quality, comprehensive language learning platform at a reasonable price.

How Memrise Pricing Works

How much is Memrise? The cost depends on the subscription plan you choose. Memrise operates on a tiered pricing structure, offering three main options for their Pro version to cater to different needs and budgets. For a monthly subscription, you’re looking at $14.99 per month.

If you opt for an annual subscription, the cost is $89.99 per year, which breaks down to $7.50 per month. For those looking for a long-term investment, Memrise offers a lifetime membership for a one-time payment of $199.99.

Here’s what each subscription tier offers:

1. Monthly Subscription

The monthly subscription offers full access to all Memrise Pro features on a month-to-month basis. This includes:

  • Comprehensive language courses across 16 languages.
  • Learning with locals: Full access to thousands of videos by native speakers to understand pronunciation and local expressions.
  • Grammarbot: Detailed grammar lessons for complex concepts.
  • Difficult Words Mode: Extra practice for words you find tough.
  • Learning Statistics: Detailed insights into your learning process to help you improve.
  • Pronunciation practice: Listen and practice speaking to improve your accent.

2. Annual Subscription

The annual subscription includes everything in the monthly subscription but at a reduced monthly rate. This plan offers a cost-effective solution for dedicated learners committed to long-term language study.

3. Lifetime Subscription

The Lifetime Subscription gives you unlimited access to Memrise Pro for life for a one-time fee. This includes everything offered in the monthly and annual plans but without the need for renewal. It’s a great choice if you plan to learn multiple languages or want to take your time learning at your own pace without worrying about recurring payments.

In a nutshell, the more extended your commitment to Memrise Pro, the lower the monthly cost becomes. All payment options provide the same level of access to the comprehensive suite of learning tools offered in the Pro version.

Know This Before You Start With Memrise

we dive deep into the world of memrise prices

Before you embark on your language-learning journey with Memrise, there are a few key points to understand about this popular platform.

At the heart of Memrise’s learning philosophy is the belief that real-life, immersive language learning is most effective.

Hence, the platform includes courses created by a dedicated team of linguists and language experts, which cover not just the grammar and vocabulary basics but also offer real-world contexts to help you understand the practical usage of language.

One of Memrise’s standout features is its use of “Mems,” which are mnemonic flashcards that use images and words to help you remember vocabulary. Its method also includes spaced repetition, which is a powerful learning technique that involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time to ensure long-term retention.

The platform offers 20 language courses, each containing thousands of video clips of native speakers. This helps to provide a clear understanding of the language’s pronunciation and usage in everyday conversation.

Is Memrise Free of Cost?

Yes, Memrise offers a free version! The freemium model lets you access the basics of any language course, including vocabulary and grammar lessons, review features, and a limited number of videos from native speakers. However, to access advanced features, you need to upgrade to Memrise Pro.

Alternatives to Memrise

While offers a great deal, it’s not the only language-learning platform out there. Let’s take a look at how it stacks up against some alternatives: Babbel, Mosalingua, and Rosetta Stone.

Platform Monthly Annual Lifetime Key Features
Memrise $14.99 $89.99 $199.99 Intelligent software, cognitively-savvy methods, engaging content.
Babbel $13.95 $83.40 $299.99 14 languages, real-life situations, the review manager.
Mosalingua $4.99 $59.90 9 languages, spaced repetition, learning tips.
Rosetta Stone $11.99 $95.88 $179 25 languages, immersive method, TruAccent speech recognition.

In comparison to these alternatives, Memrise offers competitive pricing and features. Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific learning needs, budget, and preference for the style of language instruction.

Unveiling User Experiences: Reviews Breakdown

Memrise Reviews: For a deeper dive into user experiences with Memrise, don’t miss our detailed article featuring Memrise reviews. It provides comprehensive insights from users that can help you decide whether this language-learning app fits you.

Best Tutoring Apps to Learn Spanish While Driving: If you’re particularly interested in learning Spanish and often find yourself on the road, check out our article on the best tutoring apps to learn new languages.

Best English Learning Sites Online: For those seeking to master English, we have a dedicated article reviewing the best English learning sites online. This resource can guide you toward high-quality platforms that excel in teaching English.

Top Tutoring Websites: Our article on top tutoring websites is a must-read whether you’re looking to learn a language or another subject.

Unveiling User Experiences Reviews Breakdown


Choosing the right language learning platform can seem daunting with so many options available. However, when considering the balance of cost, method, and effectiveness, Memrise stands out as a strong contender. With its freemium model, you can start learning at no cost, and if you find the platform suits your needs, the Pro version provides valuable advanced features at a reasonable price.

Compared to other platforms like Babbel, Mosalingua, and Rosetta Stone, Memrise offers a competitively priced, engaging, and scientifically-backed approach to language learning. Its unique blend of mnemonic techniques and real-world immersion, bolstered by comprehensive learning tools in the Pro version, makes it a worthwhile investment in your language learning journey.

So, whether you’re a student looking for affordable language learning or a professional seeking to add another language to your skillset, Memrise provides a flexible and cost-effective solution.


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