EduReviewerBabbel vs Mosalingua: Which One is Better?

Babbel vs Mosalingua: Which One is Better?

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A renowned individual, Brian Tracy, says, “Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.”

If we look back in history, most wars that happened were caused by a lack of communication. I wouldn’t want to bore you with history and Geography, but we can’t help but remember how devastating those wars were.

Even though most of us didn’t witness the war, we heard stories of how millions were killed.

Our geography classes also let us know that for the seven billion people on earth, up to 7,100 languages are spoken worldwide. Seven thousand is a huge number if you asked me.

However, it is not news that you can only innately speak one or two languages. Through this Mosalingua vs Babbel Review, you will find out that you can learn as many languages as you want for a token.

The popular phrase, Communication is Key, never gets old. With the huge number of languages and people, how do people communicate?

Thanks to globalization, the barrier to communication is being lifted. Technology too is a great assistance to the effective communication between people of different nationalities and languages as you can choose to learn other languages from the comfort of your home.

The two language platforms in this review are standard, and below is how you can differentiate these outlets.

  • Mosalingua uses the flashcards app for learning, while Babbel doesn’t use the flashcards.
  • Mosalingua is quite affordable, and Babbel is more expensive.
  • Mosalingua has two payment packages. Babbel has four payment packages.
  • Babbel offers free courses, while Mosalingua has free trials.

If you are then wondering which to learn your preferred language from, keep on reading our Babbel vs Mosalingua as a tutor review.

Overall Comparison Table

Pros Cons Price



  • Lost of courses
  • Free Courses
  • Live Classes
  • Mobile App Optimization
  • Limited content on some courses
  • Limited free trial
  • Higher cost of payment
From 13$ per course




  • Highly optimized memory
  • Free trials
  • Lower cost of payment
  • Over 500 flashcards
  • Only eight languages
  • Free trial
  • Poor quality interface


From 4.99$ per month

Features of the Platforms for Students

When you have decided to choose either Mosalingua or Babbel, you should want to know the qualities they both offer students.

Babbel covers a vast range of sections for easier learning, Mosalingua may not have a vast number of languages, but the app allows faster and easier comprehension.

Below are the key features I noted while using these sites:

  • Popularity: Mosalingua and Babbel are popular language learning apps you can always find online.
  • Interactive Classes: Both platforms understand the need for engaging classes that will interest students.
  • Several Learning Tools: There are several learning tools available to help students get a better learning experience, like videos, ebooks, tests, conversations, etc.
  • Personalized Learning: Both of these platforms offer a customized learning option through one-on-one teachers.
  • Free Courses/Trials: These platforms offer free courses and trials to help get a feel of what the apps are all about before committing to them.

Mosalingua: Why is it Better than Babbel?

Mosalingua has one of the best language-learning apps on the internet. Where else do you want to learn numerous languages if not where you can use flashcards?

Mosalingua uses flashcards alongside the application. That’s why learners have a lot of fun while they learn. You should also know that the fun gets better as your level increases.

While you will learn the basic language as a beginner, the lesson gets tougher as you leave the beginner’s level. You wouldn’t consider it as tough now as your knowledge and fluency have increased.


For learners of basic English, Mosalingua takes learners through critical practical levels and assessment format.

These lessons include watching English-speaking videos without translation and answering questions about the video.

You won’t bother getting bored of these translation lessons as Mosalingua provides videos that cover a range of topics: sports, entertainment, politics, nature, technology, culture, and so much more.

You might start wondering which language learning platform does the job better; Babbel or Mosalingua? Mosalingua combines every quality of language.

These elements include grammar, speech, faster listening, cognitive ability, reading, and writing.

All of these are done in the language users have signed up for. However, if you have a basic knowledge of the language, you can proceed to the next level only when you pass the assessment test.

There are up to 20 phases for each language, and in these languages, you will find over 500 flashcards, audio recordings, and fast-paced dialogues on each level.

At Mosalingua, you cannot overestimate how many teachers and learners have access. These world-class tutors have adequate professionalism in the languages they teach.

Babbel: Why is it Better than Mosalingua?

You will agree that learning a language in isolation from its culture is like pouring water into a basket and hoping it holds. Babbel is one of the most popular language-learning apps in the world.

This platform does not only teach users the language they prefer; it teaches them the culture of the people that own the language.


Similarly, Babbel vs Mosalingua, as a tutor, owns a learning application where users can sign up and get started as soon as possible.

Not only that, Babbel is quite special because it also provides live online lessons, also known as Babbel Live. On the platform’s Live, you see your tutors face to face, ask questions, and interact freely with teachers and other students.

Alongside this amazing feature are the podcast,  video lessons, and games.

This site or app contains:

  • Online Platform;
  • Up to fourteen languages;
  • Administration center;
  • Transferable Accesses;
  • Explore page.

On the Babbel page, your topics are divided into several topics and lessons. These lessons start from the basic beginner class to the advanced class.

This page covers topics from politics, travel, business, work, and much more. Every lesson teaches new vocabulary, diction, syllables, and other educational aspects of language.

Interestingly, this page has a minimum of ten minutes of classes and a conversational section between learners and speakers of the language.

Once you are done with each level of learning, users are mandated to take tests, quizzes, complete-the-sentence, and oral renditions as evidence that they are learning.

In my search for the ideal language learning tool, you might want to explore my comparative review of Mondly vs Babbel. This can give you an added perspective to complement my Babbel vs Mosalingua discussion.

Pricing Comparison

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett.

As popular language learning platforms, Babbel vs Mosalingua for teachers is a section where these apps scrutinize and test their intended teachers’ abilities.

However, we all know that the price of knowledge isn’t free. It is the same for learning any language course.

We have explicitly explained what it will cost you to learn from these platforms and what to look forward to with your subscription.


Price starts from $9.49
  • The monthly payment – $4.99 / month.
  • The yearly payment – $59.90 / year.
If you are subscribing to the Mosalingua platform, you should look forward to two subscriptions you can choose from.

Babbel and Mosalingua have different prices, and of course, they offer different services. The stakeholders of the Mosalingua platform understand that users might want to subscribe as regards the size of their pockets.

The two prices include;

  • The monthly payment – $4.99 / month

  • The yearly payment – $59.90 / year

The monthly package includes several language learning tools, downloadable videos, oral tests, written tests, ebooks, music, audiobooks, practice with Mosastories, new words in context, notes, conversational trials, and so on.

However, payment for your monthly subscription can be refunded after 30 days. This means that if you are not pleased with the lessons after fifteen days of subscribing, you can opt-out and ask for a refund.

However, if the fifteen days elapsed, it is non-refundable.


For a yearly package, it costs as much as $59.90.

This package contains the necessary materials; downloadable videos, written tests, oral tests, audiobooks, music, practice with Mosastories, cultural knowledge, new words in context, notes, conversational trials, and so on.

The yearly package comes with additional courses.

However, after 30 days of payment, your fee can not be refunded if you are unsatisfied with the learning.

You are probably wondering if there is a free trial package. Yes! There is a 15-day free trial package. When the 15 days have elapsed, you can go ahead to subscribe.


Price starts from $5.25
Promo Code N/A
  • 1-month package - $13.
  • 3-months package - $29.99.
  • 6-months package - $50.70.
  • 20 days Money Back Guarantee.
We cannot deny that Mosalingua and Babbel have considerable prices for their learning. Another special feature of Babbel is the user-generated course program that it has.

Unlike Mosalingua, which has only two subscription packages, Babbel has four packages to consider users' financial abilities further.

The first package is the 1-month package which costs $13 per month. The one-month package includes necessary materials, videos, notes, discussions, conversations, tests, and assessments.

However, you can renew the monthly subscription as you deem fit.
The three months go for $29.99. The three months allow you to have a longer tutor period. The package includes live online classes, podcasts, recordings, games, videos, and more.

The good thing about Babbel is that they keep improving their services daily. If you prefer the six months package, you need to pay up to $50.70. This package will give you exclusive learning till the time lapses.

Each of the packages is refundable after 20 days. This means that you will be duly refunded if you are not satisfied with the services you get on each package.

All you need to do is to contact the company through email or any other available customer care service.

Quality of Learning and Value for Money

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Milton

Everyone loves to get the value of what they paid for; learning platforms are not excluded in the quality search. Without this section on quality, you could still have questions such as – is Mosalingua better than Babbel?

Both platforms have classes that are well-structured. However, the courses vary quite a bit from each other. This platform allows you to learn more than the language; it allows you to learn about the culture of the people.


Mosalingua is arguably one of the best language learning apps there is with user-generated courses.

Daily, the platform improves on its technology to accommodate innovations. Speech recognition technology is used to help users practice what they have learned.

Once you sign up on Mosalingua, you don’t need to beat around the bush. You will start immediately, and due to the simple words used by the platform, learning is easy.

Most importantly, users traveling to a foreign country can get started on the app, and it will teach you the basic words you need for primary communication.

The flashcards in Mosalingua have a minimum of five words or phrases. You have one card daily to learn the words or phrases in it. This aids in quick understanding.


Once you get your flashcards daily, the application tests your knowledge of what you have learned. There is the oral repetition of the words and how you can put them in a sentence or a context.

Also, at the end of each card, users can rate themselves or tell the platform how easy or difficult it was to learn and remember the vocabulary.

However, if you consider flashcards difficult, you will get several reviews and rereads.


Nothing beats learning and having fun while learning. This is what Babbel gives to its users.

On this platform, users learn not through a strict curriculum but a very flexible one. Games, animations, and cultural value videos help you excitingly review your vocabulary.


Babbel also understands the need for an interactive class, which is why they have the Babbel Live class that brings learners of the same language into a virtual classroom. It aids teamwork, and it also aids interaction.

I cannot but mention the voluminous resources that have to improve language learning. Resources and topics expand to cover culture, politics, travel, etc.

Main Disadvantage of the Platforms

“To every disadvantage, there is a corresponding advantage.” W. Clement Stone

While Mosalingua has courses users can take for free, Babbel offers free trials that last for a few days.

As much as we can sing the praises of these two platforms, letting you know their downsides will bring a balance to this review.

As the popular saying goes, everything with an advantage has a disadvantage. Below are the disadvantages of using both platforms


  • Not so fun: Who doesn’t love a touch of fun while learning? Virtually no one! This is one thing Mosalingua lacks. The platform is quite rigid, and it follows a strict curriculum. However, these users can spend as little as ten minutes on a class. This reduces the impact of boredom on learners.
  • Limited Number of Languages: Mosalingua has only the right languages on its platform. This means that learners are restricted to these native languages and cannot widen their interests. Also, the generated courses have few contents.
  • Outdated Interface: Mosalingua lacks the touch of bright graphics or interface. Users may get lost while navigating through.


Is Mosalingua Better than Babbel?

It depends on your presence of language and your preferred pocket size. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. It is left for you to weigh your options as regards learning progress and sign up for the best.

Is Mosalingua Cheaper than Babbel?

Yes, Mosalingua is way cheaper than Babbel. Users can get a subscription for as low as $4.99.

Can you Become Fluent with Mosalingua?

Yes, you can become fluent with Mosalingua. All language learning needs is consistency and practice.

By Alina Burakova
Updated on June 12, 2024
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