EduReviewerCambly vs Lingoda: A Comparative Study of Language Learning Giants

Cambly vs Lingoda: A Comparative Study of Language Learning Giants

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Overall Comparison Table

Lingoda Cambly
Teachers have to be experienced and certified to work here. Teachers don’t have to be qualified to tutor here.
Here, a free trial of up to seven days is offered. There are no offers of free classes or plans, but there is a free trial period with no clear duration.
A monthly subscription begins at $59. A monthly subscription begins at $10 (for kids) and $52 for other students.
A variety of languages are taught, like English, French, German, Spanish, etc. Only the English Language is taught here.
It has a not-so-simple interface and course compilation that only adults can understand well. Its interface can be easily accessed and navigated by kids with no assistance needed.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

At the moment, there are tons of platforms to learn skills, and languages, to mention but few. However, it may be difficult finding one that suits your needs and taste at that moment. This is why I’ve compared the two popular language learning programs you can try out for effective learning.

Cambly is an unchallenged giant in the learning industry, and it is classified as one of the most popular online English as a second language (ESL) providers you will find. It runs on a unique system that lets students and instructors connect for the sole purpose of learning through various language learning tools. On this website, players must get on site, connect with an instructor and begin the learning process.

Lingoda is a legal online learning platform that allows you to get knowledge of various languages worldwide. Their combination of online and live classes and unique learning methods helps make this company better than others in the industry.

  • While Lingoda is best for people looking to learn a language professionally, Cambly has a more relaxed setting suitable for kids.
  • Cambly offers just English Language Courses while Lingoda offers courses in different languages like Spanish, German, English Language, and French.
  • To become an instructor in Lingoda, you need to be certified and experienced, but this is not the case in Cambly.
  • Cambly’s classes are quite more affordable than Lingoda, making it more suitable if you are on a budget.
  • Cambly uses only native English speakers, but you don’t have to be a native speaker to teach on Lingoda; you just need an acceptable certification in language proficiency.

Continue reading to find the best one that suits your needs for the expected result you wish to achieve.

Main Features of the Platforms

Lingoda vs Cambly have unique features that work for individuals to make them the best they can be. Language is a universal necessity for communicating with one another in different aspects of the world. In my experience, language is one major factor in learning other skills because it gives an understanding of other subjects.

In other words, these two platforms possess some necessary features to help you choose the best that suits your requirements. Read on to discover some amazing characteristics these learning spaces offer students.

  • User friendly: Both platforms are super easy for learners to navigate and find the necessary information needed.
  • FAQ Sections: Lingoda and Cambly official sites offer questions and answers sessions on probable difficulties you may encounter using these apps.
  • Suitable Learning Strategies: These platforms offer the best learning methods for the audience learners for an adequate learning experience.
  • Mobile Usage: While Cambly has a dedicated language app that is available on both android devices and iPhones; Lingoda doesn’t. Lingoda’s website is however fully optmized for mobile usage and works perfectly on mobile devices.

Lingoda: How is it Better than Cambly?

Features like private and public group classes, practice activities, customized user-generated courses, and certifications are what you enjoy on Lingoda. What does this mean for you?

It means that the core of Lingoda includes user generated courses needed to speak the language(s) of your choice more frequently. On this platform, you are offered courses in languages like Spanish, Business English, French, General English, and German.


They offer a conventional language school experience with a maximum of five students in a relaxed and social setting. This group class is handy because it provides a positive learning experience for students and amazing instructors who are good at diffusing any issues that may arise.

If you find the group class too public or large for your liking, you can try out their private classes. You get to have one-on-one class sessions with professional and knowledgeable instructors here. This way, you get to develop your language skills and be able to speak fluently in no time.

Although the private classes are best because they comprise personal sessions with the instructors, there is a downside you need to consider. It is about the price you pay for quicker and more effective results. Private classes are more expensive, and this is a fair deal for the amount of knowledge and skill you get. Do you agree with me?

Another thing worth noting is the practice materials you are provided for adequate learning. After each lesson on Lingoda, you get related materials for practice that helps to reinforce the lesson you’ve just learned. Most of these are in the form of quizzes, and it’s always helpful in building your words, phrases, and speaking abilities. Their curriculum is divided into different levels to enhance easy digestion of the knowledge available to fulfill set goals.

At the completion of each course with more than 90% attendance, students get a CEFR certificate from Lingoda. Since this language learning platform is accredited by the German government and recognized by many institutions and universities worldwide, it is one of the best things to happen to you. Think about it!

Cambly: How Is It Better Than Lingoda?

Founded in 2012, this legitimate online ESL company is reputable and popular in the industry for its excellent services. This platform is more suitable for students who need deeper learning of languages because it connects them with native English speakers via video chats. For this reason, the website is suitable for children, adults, and older adults to learn English at any time.


It is important to note that you can only learn the English language, whether for advanced business or IELTS on Cambly. Also, this platform has a well-designed interface that helps you easily choose your courses and navigate the space. This enables you to easily schedule your classes, fix your routine and smoothly get all the sessions that interest you. The lack of complication makes this website easy for people of different ages to use.

Cambly includes an app that helps the students easily learn the English language via one-on-one live chats with professional and friendly instructors. These instructors are usually native speakers who teach the English language via 24/7 video chats, enhancing the students’ convenience and ease in practicing the language.

On this platform, you will find courses on various levels like beginner English courses, intermediate English courses, Advanced English courses, various levels of English exam preparations, courses for kids, and those for an organization.

Pricing Comparison

“Price is what you pay; value is what you get.” – Warren Buffet

Paying for value hits the right way because you know that you are putting your money to good use. You are on the path to more positive growth when you understand that learning comes at a price lower than the reward you get. The price range for these best language learning apps varies because they offer different services to students.

Hence, it is necessary to review the prices of Cambly vs Lingoda to understand how it all works.


Price starts from $9.5
Promo Code N/A
  • Free Trial
  • Monthly Subscription
  • Sprint Price
  • Marathon Price
The price range here depends on the language you decide to study and the number of classes you decide to take. In the long run, you will discover that even though Lingoda’s prices may be higher than the other online language schools.

However, one thing to note is that they offer great value for your money via the experienced and certified language teachers they have employed.

Free Trial

There is a seven-day free trial period for people interested in trying out the services of this learning platform without investing money. Also, this free trial period encompasses the options of one private lesson or three group classes. This is dependent on the plan you select. By signing up, you can access the available lessons and schedule.


Monthly Subscription

The easiest way to enroll in Lingoda classes is by subscribing to their monthly payment. The range for this payment plan falls between $59 to $549 per month.


With this payment structure, you can be a part of about four to forty classes each month. There are also the options of taking fewer classes than specified, and you can purchase more classes if that’s what you prefer. It is best to know that this price range differs according to the language you are willing to learn.

Courses Four classes Twelve classes Twenty classes Forty classes
Spanish, French $59 $146 $215 $402
General English $59 $146 $205 $393
German $79 $186 $263 $481
Business English $79 $195 $294 $540

Sprint Price

Lingoda sprint price ranges from $716 to $1406, and there is a probability that you get 50% back if you successfully complete the Sprint. Also, you get 100% cashback if you successfully complete the Super Sprint. All of these are possible as long as you follow the rules of Lingoda Sprint and complete the challenge. So, even though the price may seem high, it is a good investment. Check out the table below for a breakdown of the courses.

Courses Sprint (Fifteen classes) Super Sprint (Thirty Classes)
Spanish, French & General English $716 $1196
German, Business English $836 $1406

Marathon Price

To enroll for Lingoda Marathon classes, you have to pay between $575 and $2500 for group classes and for private classes, $1300 and $5000. This payment plan is available for all years, and you can also select the three, six, and twelve-month plans. Unlike Sprint, getting a 100% refund of your money is impossible. However, a cashback bonus of $60 to $450 is possible on completing the marathon.

Below is the price range for each course and the durations available.

Course Quarter Marathon (Three months) Half Marathon (Six months) Full Marathon (Twelve months)
Spanish, French, General English $575 $1050 $1800
German $700 $1250 $2200
Business English $775 $1400 $2500


After reviewing this learning page, people often wonder how much it costs and if they can afford it. This is why I’ve dedicated this section to give you a good laydown of the price range to expect if you decide to use this platform to become more versatile in English writing and speaking.

One downside of Cambly is that they do not offer free classes or plans. However, they offer a free trial even though there are no specifications on the duration.


This platform supports the referral program, which gives you free minutes for up to sixty minutes. Note that 60 minutes of free learning is offered only after subscription. Signing up only gives you five minutes and then ten minutes for free.

Cambly for organizations is not fixed but determined on a quote basis after checking with the company’s sales representatives. On the other hand, Cambly for kids begins at a fair price of $10 monthly.


Also, student credit cards are available for students interested in learning the English language on this platform but can in no way afford the specified price range.

Weekly Subscription

You can begin by selecting your weekly agenda to determine how many minutes of study you wish to attend weekly. Daily, you get to choose between fifteen, thirty, to sixty minutes of time per day.

Then, you can proceed to choose the days that suit you, whether two, three or five days of classes per week, for the earlier specified choice of minutes. For better imagery and understanding, check out the table below.

Minutes per day 2 days a week 3 days a week 5 days a week
15 minutes $49 $64 $85
30 minutes $76 $109 $146
60 minutes $123 $189 $269

Monthly Subscription

It is possible to activate certain discounts when you decide to subscribe to longer payment plans. For instance, you get a 13% discount on the quarterly and 26% on the annual plans. This way, you get to learn English and save your money.

Quality of Learning and Value for Money

“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” – Robert Arnott

At this point, you may begin to wonder if both platforms are really worth the hype and fee to which they are accorded. Do the students value money spent? Are their courses and programs quality enough to give the expected results without wasting time? Or do I need to keep subscribing for years before getting the expected results?

All of these questions and more are what I have prepared in this segment so that you can know what to expect from both companies before making the best choice that suits you.


Is Lingoda worth the money spent? My answer is yes. Lingoda is worth every penny you decide to spend on it. Although I don’t negate the fact that it is quite expensive compared to other learning platforms, the app is one I would still recommend because of its extensive value.

As a language platform, there is no better way than learning directly from the source, which is what they provide. The best online tutors available to coach and instruct students throughout their stay are native speakers from their respective countries rather than a language app.

Another advantage is that all instructors are not only native speakers but are also qualified in their respective language fields.

So, you can expect to get a lot of instant feedback on your performance and individual tips on areas you can do better to utilize the learning program. Think about that for a minute.


Lingoda provides a variety of great resources that are easy to utilize for improvements in your speaking capacity and words and phrases, as well as small group classes that are very easy to join.

Signing up is no problem, and you don’t need a specific skill level before joining because all levels are welcome to participate in this learning program.

Also, you can enroll in a small group class or one-on-one sessions with instructors. However, you can be guaranteed great results no matter the option you decide to go for.

I can attest to this because of my French class last year. A native speaker taught my group with the original accents rather than a speech recognition technology which made me quickly pick up the language organically and the correct wordings of phrases and words.

Besides my speaking skills, my listening skills also improved a lot.


They offer lessons that cover several topics, grammar points, and proficiency levels. You also get valuable certificates as you progress through the various learning stages available.


In contrast to Lingoda, Cambly is a platform that offers only the English language as a course of study. This platform is amazing because it has a high usability rate.

The signup process is just like any other app on your device. This way, you can focus on what matters: learning. Their app is brilliant, can be used from any location, and is compatible with any device. Do I have your attention?


For parents, this platform supports parental software that lets you keep track of your kid’s performance. This way, you can be sure that your child is learning rather than fooling around with the gadget they are given for the duration of the session.

From the reviews of most parents, this is a considerate endeavor on the company’s part to help prevent their money from going to waste and ensures that these kids well utilize the services paid for.


Also, other reviews accorded to this company are the fact that they offer easy access to course contents after the necessary steps are taken, stable connectivity, and a seamless interface that is easy to navigate.

Another aspect where they provide good value for your money is their customer service support. When dealing with online sites, it is inevitable to face issues surrounding various aspects, and in most cases, users are usually clueless about the way forward. What do you do in this situation?


The interesting part is that you don’t need to do much. Contact customer support, and you will be amazed by how well your issue is smoothened. You will even find a segment on their website dedicated to steps and instructions for setting up your account to the point of selecting your courses and other necessary steps in between.

Main Disadvantages of the Platforms

Have you ever wondered if there is anything in the world that has no disadvantages? Well, I sometimes do, but I haven’t found any yet.

Even with all the high praises sung about Cambly and Lingoda, we need to consider the downsides to help make your final decisions on the best Lingoda vs. Cambly platform to select. Let’s dive in!


The following are the downsides of using this learning platform.

  • There is no one-time payment option for users on this platform.
  • The quality of group lessons here is hugely dependent on the other students in the same group as you.
  • Another complaint people often make is that their lesson materials can be repetitive.
  • It is difficult to study the class materials alone.
  • The course outline and structure of the platform are more suitable for adults, so children may need a moderator to go through the course materials.
  • Lingoda has expensive class session plans.
  • In a group class, it is possible for a struggling student to put the whole class behind on the learning schedule.


Price starts from $12
Promo Code N/A
  • Lessons are a bit expensive.
  • The quality of conversations is inconsistent.
  • This site does not have a standard refund policy.
  • They offer a casual approach to language learning.
  • Free plans are not offered for a long time compared to other platforms.
  • Instructors don’t have to be qualified professionals to teach on this platform.
  • You can learn only the English Language on Cambly compared to other sites that offer a variety of language courses.
This platform is not without its cons, too, so read above to discover some of them.


Your commitment and language goals determine whether you will opt for Lingoda or Cambly. I’ve provided the necessary information above, and the ball is now in your court to play in whatever direction you deem fit. In a nutshell, here is how these language learning apps work to know which one you can choose.

If you are an adult needing a structured and balanced combination of professional language learning, then Lingoda is the best choice. On the other hand, if you want your kid to learn the English Language from native speakers or have a limited budget and time on your hands, then Cambly is the better option.


Is Lingoda better than Cambly?

It is your choice to decide whether to go for Cambly or Lingoda. However, note that both have their strengths and weaknesses, which make up their attraction. Lingoda is more professional, and Cambly provides a relaxed learning environment.

Is Lingoda cheaper than Cambly?

Lingoda offers four classes in the price range of $59 to $79 per month. On the other hand, Cambly offers $85 for fifteen minutes classes five days a week. Which do you think is cheaper?

Can You Become Fluent with Lingoda?

Yes, it is possible. With the useful resources provided by the company, professional and native-speaking instructors, and your commitment, it is not difficult to become fluent.

By Alina Burakova
Updated on May 16, 2024
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