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How to Improve LSAT Reading Comprehension

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We’re all in the same situation when it comes to the LSAT, regardless of whether you’re an avid reader or someone who hasn’t picked up a book since high school. And one of the biggest hurdles that aspiring law school students face on their LSAT journey is mastering the Reading Comprehension section. Indeed, this portion of the test can feel like navigating an unknown jungle at dusk with a single match. But don’t lose hope.

There’s a method to the madness, and we’re here to shine a light on it. This article will dissect the best tips, strategies, and practice techniques to help you take control of your LSAT Reading Comprehension performance. Let’s turn that jungle into a walk in the park. Are you ready?

What Is the Hardest Part of the LSAT?

The hardest part of the LSAT can vary from person to person, as it largely depends on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. However, many test-takers find the Logic Games section (officially known as Analytical Reasoning) to be particularly challenging. This section requires a different kind of thinking compared to the other sections and includes problems that many students have not encountered before in their academic careers.

The Reading Comprehension section can also be tough due to the dense and complex passages, and the time pressure often adds to the difficulty.

Lastly, the Logical Reasoning sections, while consisting of shorter passages, demand a deep understanding of logic and the ability to quickly analyze and critique arguments, which can also be quite challenging.

Overall, every part of the LSAT is designed to be rigorous, and mastering the test requires understanding the unique challenges posed by each section and tailoring your study approach to tackle these effectively. Read our article on this topic to learn more insides.

What to Expect in the Reading Comprehension Section

The LSAT Reading Comprehension section is notorious, often referred to as the hardest part of the LSAT by many test-takers. Why is it so challenging? One reason is that it requires a unique set of skills compared to the other sections of the LSAT. It’s about understanding what you read and analyzing, evaluating, and comparing the information.

The Reading Comprehension section consists of four passages, with each passage being about 450-500 words long. You’ll find each passage is accompanied by five to eight questions, amounting to about 26-28 questions total for this section. The topics can range from law, natural sciences, and humanities to social sciences. The twist is that no matter how much or how little you know about these topics, it won’t give you an edge in this section. The test measures your ability to grasp and work with complex texts rather than specific subject knowledge.

Now, you might be thinking, “I’ve read and understood complicated texts before. How hard could it be?” The challenge lies in the time constraint. You have only 35 minutes to complete each section, which puts enormous pressure on test-takers. Time management, thus, becomes a crucial part of your test-taking strategy.

In-depth Discussion of Question Types

To start your prep journey, we recommend getting acquainted with the types of questions you’ll encounter in the Reading Comprehension section:

  • Main Point Questions:

In order to respond to these inquiries, it is imperative to comprehend the author’s overarching point. It is important to note that the accurate response should be taken into consideration.

  • Elaborative Inquiries:

These inquiries seek to obtain precise details from the given text. It is advisable to refrain from fixating on the memorization of specific elements throughout the reading process. However, it is important to be equipped to revisit and locate such details when prompted. As per the paragraph, the theory of relativity…

  • Inference Questions:

These kinds of questions need the ability to draw logical conclusions by utilizing the information provided in the passage. While the response may not be overtly articulated, it should be substantiated by the text itself. The paragraph implies that the author would concur with which of the above assertions?

  • Inquiries regarding function:

These inquiries pertain to the role or purpose of a certain component inside the passage. Gaining comprehension of the passage’s structure and the logical progression of ideas might prove quite advantageous while attempting to address these inquiries. What is the purpose of the third paragraph within the broader context of the passage?

  • Inquiries on Tone/Attitude:

These inquiries pertain to the author’s attitude or tone about the facts or argument put forward. In order to respond to these inquiries, one should identify lexical cues that signify the author’s emotions or viewpoints. The author’s perspective towards the new legislation can be most accurately characterized as…

  • Inquiries on Structure:

These inquiries necessitate comprehension of the passage’s organizational framework. The ability to identify transitions, changes in perspective, and the development of arguments can be very beneficial. Which of the following options most accurately characterizes the structural arrangement of the passage?

  • Analogical reasoning questions:

Although infrequently seen, may be included in many assessments. Typically, the process entails the comparison of two circumstances, theories, or arguments that have been referenced within the piece. The paragraph explores the correlation between two ideas and seeks to identify a comparable link akin to which of the following pairings.

Each type of question requires a slightly different approach. The main point and structure questions require a holistic understanding of the passage.

In contrast, detailed questions require you to find and interpret specific information. Inference questions test your ability to draw logical conclusions based on the text, while function and tone questions ask about the author’s purpose and attitude.

discussing the types of questions

By recognizing these question types, you can save time on the test and approach each question with a clear strategy. As always, the best way to get comfortable with these questions is to practice them under realistic conditions using high-quality LSAT prep materials.

How to Get Better at Reading Comprehension LSAT

Improving your LSAT Reading Comprehension performance is not about speed reading or memorizing facts. It’s about understanding the structure of the passages and developing strategic reading habits.

Here are some reading comprehension LSAT tips to get you on track:

Understand the Structure

Most LSAT passages follow a predictable structure. They typically start with an introduction of a theory or viewpoint, then an expansion or critique of this view, and finally, the author’s perspective or a resolution. By recognizing this structure, you can better anticipate what comes next, helping you understand the passage more efficiently.

Active Reading

The LSAT Reading Comprehension is not a leisurely read. Every sentence is crucial. Stay engaged by summarizing sections of the text in your mind, predicting what might come next, or formulating questions that the author might answer later in the text. Active reading helps with information retention and understanding the bigger picture.


While the LSAT Reading Comprehension section is time-pressured, note-taking can still be a highly effective tool. The key is to take brief, targeted notes. You’re not looking to transcribe the passage but rather jot down key points, the structure of the passage, and shifts in perspectives or tone. These notes can serve as a ‘map’ when answering the questions, saving you time as you won’t need to reread the entire passage.

One possible approach is to document the central thesis following the first paragraph, document significant points of contention or counterarguments, or indicate a shift in the author’s perspective. Conducting experiments with various note-taking procedures during practice sessions is recommended in order to determine the most effective approach.

It is important to bear in mind that the objective is to augment one’s comprehension and retention abilities, rather than generating additional tasks. It is advisable to maintain concise, readable, and directed notes that primarily emphasize the essential aspects.

Analyze the Questions

During the process of practicing, it is advisable to acquaint oneself with the prevalent categories of inquiries, including major point, detail, inference, function, and tone/attitude. Each sort of inquiry necessitates a somewhat distinct approach.

Main point inquiries inquire about the major objective or central concept of the passage, as an example. The aforementioned inquiries necessitate a comprehensive comprehension of the text, whereas specialized detail inquiries include the identification of precise facts within the text.

The process of analyzing the questions also include the identification of keywords or phrases that might serve as navigational tools to locate the relevant section of the passage. As an illustration, an inquiry may pertain to “the author’s reaction to a counter-argument.” In this context, it is imperative to locate the specific segment within the text when the author introduces a counter-argument and subsequently provides a rebuttal.

The acquisition and application of this talent has the potential to optimize time management during examinations and enhance precision in responses. One can enhance efficiency in locating pertinent sections of the passage and comprehending the specific requirements of the query.

Answer Choices

The LSAT’s answer choices are designed to challenge your comprehension skills and understanding of the text. However, keep in mind that the right answer is always rooted in the passage. Even if an option sounds logical or fits your understanding of the subject, if it’s not supported by the text, it’s incorrect.

It’s essential to read all the choices carefully before making your decision, as some might seem correct at first glance but miss the mark upon closer inspection. The LSAT tests your ability to read critically and make reasoned deductions based on the provided information.


Timing is one of the most challenging aspects of the LSAT, particularly for the Reading Comprehension section. As a test-taker, you’re expected to read and comprehend dense, complex texts and answer associated questions, all within a tight timeframe. You’ll have to answer around 26-28 questions. This equates to roughly 8-9 minutes per passage.

Use your time wisely: aim to spend about 3-4 minutes understanding the passage and then around 1 minute per question. Remember, consistent practice under timed conditions is the key to managing your time effectively on the actual LSAT.


Now, you might be wondering about specific resources to help you practice. For instance, you may want to know which LSAT prep books are effective or where to find the best LSAT reading comprehension practice tests.

It is better to use as many different sources of information as possible to have a clear and qualitative perception of how the test is conducted and what pitfalls can be expected.


Getting Better Through Effort

It’s no secret that consistent, focused practice is the most effective way to improve at anything, including the LSAT Reading Comprehension. But not all practice is created equal. The quality of your practice materials and the way you approach each practice session can significantly impact your improvement rate.

Here are a few strategic ways to make your practice sessions more effective:

  1. Use High-Quality Materials:To replicate the experience of the actual LSAT as closely as possible, use high-quality practice materials.
  2. Simulate Real Test Conditions: Try to replicate the conditions of the actual test during your practice sessions. This means timing yourself, removing distractions, and sticking to the sequence of the LSAT sections.
  3. Review Your Performance: Don’t just check your answers; review your performance. Understand why an answer is correct and why the others are wrong. Look for patterns in the mistakes you’re making to identify areas you need to work on.
  4. Be Consistent: Try to schedule regular, consistent practice sessions. Cramming is not as effective as consistent, focused practice over a longer period.

To help you structure your practice, we’ve created a table outlining a possible four-week study plan. This plan assumes that you have already done some initial studying and are now focusing on the Reading Comprehension section.

Week Activity
Week 1 Familiarize yourself with the question types and the structure of the passages. Start taking timed sections to get a feel for the pacing.
Week 2 Focus on the main point and detail questions. Use a variety of practice passages to strengthen your understanding of these question types.
Week 3 Work on inference and function questions. Continue to do timed sections and begin reviewing your performance.
Week 4 Review tone/attitude questions and any question types you’re still struggling with. Take several full, timed Reading Comprehension sections and thoroughly review your performance.

Keep in mind that the secret to progress is effective repetition. And don’t forget to review our guide on what to know before law school to ensure you’re fully prepared for your journey.

Is it Possible to Prepare for LSAT Within a Few Months?

By engaging in focused and diligent study, as well as employing effective tactics, it is feasible to adequately prepare for the LSAT within a span of several months. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that the LSAT primarily assesses one’s aptitude in various skills rather than just factual knowledge.

Consequently, it is imperative that your study plan places emphasis on the refinement of your logical thinking, analytical reasoning, and reading comprehension abilities.

The following is a suggested framework that may be taken into consideration:

  1. Establish a Study routine: Commensurate with the duration of available months, devise a regular and structured study routine. It is more advantageous to engage in daily study periods of shorter duration rather than attempting to absorb large amounts of information through infrequent, prolonged study sessions. It is important to ensure that one’s timetable is feasible and practical, taking into account any additional obligations or commitments.
  2. Engage in Full-Length, Timed Practice Tests: In order to assess your level of preparedness and enhance your endurance, it is recommended to partake in full-length practice tests while adhering to time constraints. Engaging in this practice will further facilitate acclimation to the stressors inherent in the authentic examination.
  3. Prioritize Well-being: It is important to ensure the maintenance of both physical and mental health. Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a nutritious dietary intake, and adhering to proper sleep patterns have been shown to enhance cognitive functioning and optimize performance in academic assessments.
  4. It is advisable to promptly seek assistance if one encounters difficulties.

It is essential to acknowledge that the rate at which individuals acquire knowledge and skills varies. Certain individuals may possess the necessary readiness to undertake the LSAT within a few months, but others may require a more extended period of preparation. It is advisable to heed one’s instincts and remain undeterred in the face of necessary schedule adjustments or difficulties encountered in certain portions.

Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that the preparation for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) does not overshadow other essential components of your application to law school. For example, possessing the knowledge of how to appropriately request a letter of reference for law school is also of utmost importance.

Finally, it is important to note that although obtaining a commendable LSAT score is a crucial component of your application to law school, it should be acknowledged that it is but a single element within the broader context.

In addition to considering an applicant’s GPA, law schools also take into account their personal statement, letters of recommendation, and several other variables. It is advisable to maintain a balanced approach to LSAT preparation by allocating sufficient attention to the various components involved.

In conclusion, it is really feasible to adequately prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) over a span of several months. By implementing a well-structured study regimen, maintaining diligent and regular practice, and cultivating a constructive attitude, one may effectively overcome the challenges posed by the LSAT and actualize their aspirations of attending law school.

Lsat a few months

Success Stories: From LSAT Prep to Law School Acceptance

Every LSAT taker’s journey is unique, and it’s always inspiring to learn from those who have faced the challenge and come out victorious. Let’s look at some success stories from students who have aced the LSAT and gained admission into their dream law schools.

Story 1: Samantha’s Journey

Samantha had always been an avid reader but struggled with the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT. She began her preparation with a mix of self-study and tutoring from one of the professionals on our best LSAT tutor list. With their guidance and consistent practice, Samantha began to see improvement. She dedicated time each day to practicing this test, using tips for reading comprehension LSAT she had learned from various sources.

After four months of rigorous preparation, she achieved a score of 172, paving the way for her acceptance into Yale Law School.

Story 2: Mark’s Strategy

Mark was working full-time when he decided to apply to law school. Despite having a busy schedule, he created a three-month LSAT study plan and stuck to it. He used resources from official LSAT PrepTests. He credits his success to consistency, time management, and the practice of reviewing each question, whether he got it right or wrong. His hard work paid off, and he scored 168 on the LSAT. Today, Mark is a proud student at the University of Chicago Law School.

Story 3: Julia’s Perseverance

Julia was initially overwhelmed by the LSAT, especially the Logic Games section. She was tempted to give up, but instead, she reached out for help. With the assistance of a tutor and by implementing strategies mentioned in our guide on how to get a perfect LSAT score, she slowly but surely began to understand the logic behind the games. After six months of focused practice, Julia scored 175 on her LSAT and later gained admission to Harvard Law School.

These stories highlight that with determination, the right strategies, and resources, it is possible to conquer the LSAT. Remember, it’s not about where you start but your progress. Believe in your potential, and your success story could inspire others soon!

Key Takeaways to Improve Fast

Improving your LSAT Reading Comprehension skills quickly doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. You can see significant improvement even in a short timeframe with a few strategic steps.

Here’s a table to provide a visual summary of these key takeaways:

Takeaway Description Strategy
Strategic Reading Develop an approach for tackling passages that prioritize understanding the main ideas and the structure of the text. Focus on reading the first and last sentences of each paragraph more carefully, as they often contain the main ideas.
Target Weaknesses Identify your weakest areas and devote extra time to working on them. If inference questions consistently stump you, focus your study sessions on this question type. Use targeted practice questions and work on understanding the rationale behind each answer.
Train Your Brain Regularly engage in activities that strengthen your reasoning and critical thinking skills. Incorporate daily activities like solving puzzles, reading complex articles, or engaging in debates.
Confidence Maintain a positive mindset and believe in your ability to improve. Use positive affirmations before each study session. After each test or practice session, highlight what you got wrong and your overall progress rather than focusing on what you got wrong.

By implementing these targeted tactics, individuals may enhance their LSAT reading comprehension abilities in a more efficient and effective manner. It is important to note that achieving success on the LSAT is not just determined by the amount of time dedicated to studying, but rather by the efficacy with which that time is utilized.

By implementing these tactics, maintaining concentration and a positive mindset, one will make significant progress towards achieving success in the LSAT examination.

Although it may appear daunting at present, it is important to bear in mind that every individual who has attained expertise in a certain field was once a novice. The individual have the necessary skills and abilities to successfully accomplish the task at hand.


How to Improve on Reading Comprehension LSAT?

Enhancing one’s reading comprehension skills for the LSAT entails employing strategic reading techniques that prioritize the analysis of passage structure and identification of key concepts. Regular practice utilizing high-quality materials and the subsequent analysis of one’s performance are both essential components in the pursuit of progress. These activities enable individuals to gain insight into their strengths and identify areas that require further development.

How do you fix poor reading comprehension?

Enhancing deficient reading skills Comprehension entails the practice of active reading, when individuals actively engage with the material, mentally summarize key aspects, and generate prospective inquiries. The importance of practice cannot be overstated, particularly when it comes to honing one’s skills in reading and comprehending different sorts of texts within a limited timeframe, in order to replicate the conditions of the test.

How fast can you improve your reading comprehension?

The rate of progress exhibits individual variability and is contingent upon the extent of regular and concentrated practice, as well as one’s initial skill level. Nevertheless, by employing appropriate methodologies and accessing suitable resources, notable progress may sometimes be shown after a few months of committed and focused training.

What are the 3 main types of reading strategies?

The three main types of reading strategies for the LSAT are skimming (quickly going through the passage to grasp the general idea), detailed reading (for specific information or understanding complex sections), and strategic reading (focusing on structure and main points).


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