EduReviewerBlogThe Best Majors for LSAT Success
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The Best Majors for LSAT Success

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Ever wondered what majors do the best on the LSAT? Well, you’re about to step into the right arena. This guide is tailor-made for those restless souls looking to nail the LSAT.

Making the right choice in your college major could be that golden ticket you’ve been searching for.

Average LSAT Scores by Major

Major Average LSAT Score
Physics/Math 160
Classics 159.4
Economics 157.4
Philosophy/Theology 157.4
International Relations 156.5
Art History 156.1
Policy Studies 155.9
Mathematics 155.8
Government/Service 155.7
History 155.6

When you think about acing the LSAT, the first thing that might come to mind is: what majors do the best on LSAT? Well, the data is quite revealing in this aspect.

Philosophy majors lead with an average LSAT score of 160. Classics majors follow closely at 159, while Mathematics majors score an average of 158. Economics students aren’t far behind, averaging 157, with Engineering majors rounding out the top five at 156.

On the other end of the spectrum, Pre-Law and Criminal Justice majors average around 149 and 146, respectively. These figures, however, should be taken with a grain of salt. Remember, an individual’s dedication, resources, and preparation strategy significantly determine their final LSAT score. Your major might give you an edge, but hard work and smart preparation will set you apart.

Now, while your major plays a role, it’s not the only puzzle piece. Equipping yourself with the right resources can make a world of difference. You may want to consider some affordable courses. These courses offer curated content, practice tests, and strategy sessions, giving students from all majors a fighting chance.

Literature, History, and Political Science majors tend to have solid reading comprehension skills. But, sometimes, that’s not enough. Engaging one of the best LSAT tutors can provide the personalized feedback these students might need. A tutor can pinpoint areas of improvement and provide strategies that can significantly boost scores.

Top Majors for LSAT Success: The Favorites

As you plan your LSAT journey, knowing what major does the best on the LSAT can be a huge advantage. Over the years, certain majors have gained popularity not only for their academic rigor but also for how they groom students for the LSAT.

First on the list is Philosophy. Engaging with philosophical texts trains the brain in logical reasoning and argumentative skills, making it one of the best LSAT majors. Close on its heels are English and History, where students refine their reading comprehension and critical analysis abilities by dissecting various literary works and historical events.

But here’s a golden nugget: no matter your major, tapping into the right resources can steer your preparation in the right direction. A quick peek at the ratings of college consultants reveals professionals who specialize in guiding aspiring law students, offering invaluable advice tailored to their academic background.

Next, Political Science and Economics are also hot favorites. The analytical skills required in these disciplines resonate well with the logical reasoning section of the exam. To bolster their prep, many students from these majors often turn to the best prep websites, which offer many resources, mock tests, and strategy guides.

Lastly, for those auditory learners or individuals on the go, the best LSAT podcast can be a lifesaver. It provides insights, tips, and tricks in an easy-to-digest format, making it a favorite for many, irrespective of their majors.

While certain majors have made their mark in the LSAT realm, the tools you choose to complement your preparation play an equally pivotal role.

The Best major for LSAT Success


Philosophy majors possess a unique edge when preparing for the exam. Engaging with philosophical texts cultivates critical thinking, sharpens logical reasoning, and enhances the ability to dissect complex arguments. This background aligns well with the LSAT, particularly in areas like Logical Reasoning or Reading Comprehension.

For those aiming to perfect every aspect of their LSAT preparation, our article on how to write LSAT essays provides insights to refine the writing sample section. In this component, philosophical articulation can truly shine. Choosing Philosophy as a major might be the step to mastering the LSAT intricacies.

English Literature

Students reviews

English Literature students have an innate knack for dense texts and drawing out underlying meanings. This strong foundation in reading plus analysis gives them an advantage in the Reading Comprehension section.

Moreover, their exposure to varied writing styles aids in crafting compelling arguments. While this major offers a head start, enhancing one’s preparation is always wise. If you’re pondering the effectiveness of supplementary resources, our article on how LSAT prep courses help sheds light on the benefits and how they can further amplify the strengths of an English Literature background in the LSAT.


History majors bring a unique skill set to the LSAT table. With years spent analyzing past events, understanding diverse perspectives, and drawing connections, they’re primed for the test’s Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning sections. Their ability to sift through information and deduce conclusions is invaluable.

Yet, even with this strong foundation, a guiding hand can elevate one’s preparation. For those seeking tailored advice, our article on how to find an LSAT tutor offers insights and steps to connect with experts who can further hone the analytical prowess of History enthusiasts for LSAT success.

Political Science

Political Science majors often find themselves at an advantage when tackling the LSAT. Their studies revolve around intricate legal frameworks, ethical debates, and structured arguments – themes recurrent in the LSAT. Knowledge of political theories and governmental structures equips them with sharp analytical skills, making sections like Logical Reasoning a more familiar territory.

Moreover, their exposure to international relations and comparative politics enhances their understanding of varied perspectives, a valuable trait for the Reading Comprehension section. A Political Science background lays a robust foundation for those aspiring to shine in the legal realm.


Economics, often listed among the best performing majors on LSAT, provides students with a toolkit of analytical and problem-solving skills. These scholars learn to interpret data, forecast trends, and understand complex economic theories, making them well-equipped for the LSAT’s Logical Reasoning section.

Their training in weighing costs and benefits and analyzing market structures translates seamlessly into dissecting intricate arguments. With a keen eye for detail and a logical mindset, Economics majors are primed to excel in the nuanced challenges the LSAT presents, setting them on a promising path in the legal domain.


Mathematics, frequently highlighted as one of the best college majors to ace LSAT, offers more than just number-crunching abilities. These students cultivate a logical and structured mindset, aiding in the precise analysis demanded by the LSAT. Their abstract thinking and problem-solving training is particularly useful in sections like Logic Games.

While a strong analytical foundation is their strength, many Math majors seek tailored guidance to conquer all LSAT sections. Our article on the best LSAT courses in NYC provides recommendations for those in the Big Apple, ensuring that Math enthusiasts receive comprehensive preparation for their legal aspirations.


When considering what majors do best on the LSAT, Sociology often stands out. Students in this field know the intricacies of human behavior and societal dynamics, honing their observational and analytical skills. They learn to interpret data, understand societal patterns, and evaluate human interactions, which aligns with the LSAT’s focus on analysis and comprehension.

While their academic background provides a solid footing, many sociology majors find value in using digital tools to boost their preparation. For a modern approach, our article on the best LSAT app offers insights into top-notch applications tailored for LSAT success.


Students who study classics engage in a multilingual, multicultural, and cross-historical textual exploration of ancient societies. This language and context training gives them a unique vantage point when faced with the exam’s Reading Comprehension section. Their expertise in interpreting age-old narratives and understanding diverse cultural contexts offers an edge in dissecting dense passages.

Additionally, their exposure to historical debates and philosophical inquiries bolsters their ability to grapple with complex arguments. In sum, studying the Classics provides students with diverse information and the analytical skills necessary to do well on the LSAT.


Engineering majors approach problems with a structured and logical mindset, attributes that align well with the LSAT’s demands. Their design, analysis, and problem-solving training prepares them for challenges, especially in the Logic Games section. These tech-savvy scholars not only master equations but also develop a knack for understanding complex systems, a trait valuable for the LSAT.

While their academic foundation is strong, targeted guidance can further enhance their LSAT performance. For those in the nation’s capital, our article on the best LSAT tutors in Washington, DC offers recommendations, ensuring engineers receive optimal support in their legal journey.


When listing the best majors for LSAT preparation, Psychology frequently emerges as a standout choice. Studying the human mind and behavior intertwines with the skills the LSAT demands. Psychology students are trained to understand human motivations, recognize patterns, and dissect intricate scenarios – abilities that transition seamlessly into the LSAT’s Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension sections.

Their expertise in experimental methods and data interpretation also comes in handy when faced with data-driven questions. Beyond the nuances of individual cognition, they grasp broader societal and interpersonal dynamics, further refining their analytical prowess. With this solid foundation, Psychology majors are well-poised to navigate the challenges of the LSAT and potentially join the ranks of top-performing test-takers.

College majors to prepare for the LSAT

Remember, while these majors have distinct advantages, dedication and the right preparation strategy will always determine LSAT success.


Takeaways Fresh Actionable Tips
Top LSAT Scorers by Major Philosophy and Economics students, rejoice! Your rigorous debates and number-crunching pay off. Expand your horizons with some light legal reading in your spare time.
Rising LSAT Stars Watch out for Sociology and Mathematics majors. They’re climbing the LSAT ranks. A bit of daily logical puzzle-solving can sharpen those neurons even further.
Major Goldmines Engineering and Psychology aren’t just for tech and therapy. Dive into some legal case studies; you’ll be surprised how your background gives you an edge.
Maximizing Your Prep Mix up your preparation with digital tools. The best prep app might just be your secret weapon. Consider reviewing core curriculum subjects to identify areas of strength. Don’t shy away from seeking guidance – tutors can be game-changers.
FAQs Unpacked Curious about law fields for scientists? Ever thought of patent or environmental law? Spice up your regular studies with legal journals in your field.

Intrigued? The gems lie in the details. The article below unravels the specifics, helping you confidently choose, prep, and conquer this exam.


What is the best major for the LSAT score?

While there’s no definitive “best” major, studies have shown that Philosophy, Economics, and English Literature majors often perform well on the LSAT. However, any major that hones analytical and reading skills can prove beneficial.

What is the most accepted major for law school?

Law schools generally accept students from a diverse range of majors. However, Political Science, English, History, and Philosophy are commonly seen in many law school cohorts due to their alignment with legal studies.

What college major is best for law school?

The best major is one that aligns with your interests and strengths. Common choices include Political Science, Philosophy, and English, but strong applicants come from various disciplines, from Math to Music.

What is the best science major for law?

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are all solid choices, especially for those considering fields like patent law. Environmental Science can also be a strong choice for those interested in environmental law. The key is a rigorous academic experience that hones analytical skills.


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