EduReviewerBlogHow to Become a Software Tester With No Degree
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How to Become a Software Tester With No Degree

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Did you know that becoming a software tester is easier than it may sound? You can do it without a specialized degree. Now, do you want to know how to become a software tester without a degree?

If you want to know all, you are on the right page. Below we will explain the complete process and also provide you with useful tips and tricks that can make this easier and simpler.

Keep in mind that you will need time and effort. Getting a job, especially specialized as a software tester these days is not easy and the competition is tough. As such, you definitely need the guide we have below.

Can a Software Tester Get a Job Without a Degree?

The simple answer is yes. There is no need to worry about getting a college degree and only then looking for a job of this kind. It is important to have a degree in computer science, engineering, or math.

As a matter of fact, any similar degree can help you. If you don’t have a degree, you can still use the guide below. The process may take more time, but it is possible!

In order to become a software tested you need a lot of skills, knowledge, and if possible, experience. All of this is something you can get over time and something you should work on. We have also covered how to become a Q&A tester with no experience so you may be interested in that post as well.

Qualifications Needed to Become a Software Tester

Ideally, you would have a bachelor’s degree in information technology or computer science. This is ideal and can make the whole process easier.

Of course, you need skills and possibly experience. When it comes to an actual degree, no, you don’t need one specifically for this. The aforementioned things are far more important. We have covered and explained how to become a research and development manager which can be interesting to some of you.

Becoming a software tester is a rewarding career path, but have you ever thought about robotics? It’s a field with immense growth potential, and our guide on how to become a robotics software engineer offers all the steps you need to take to make this transition. So, why not add some more excitement to your tech journey?

But, you can take a different approach. If you know how all of this works and you are interested in software and testing it, you can practice and learn the basics all by yourself.

For instance, if you know HTML, CSS, or something similar, you can use that to become a software tester as well. There is one thing more.

You can also use the uTest platform which is amazing for this purpose. This will help you by offering the skills and knowledge you need. Here you will start for free and your mission is to find bugs in software, something software testers do.

As you navigate your path to become a software tester without a degree, another query you might have is, does GPA matter for engineering jobs? Don’t worry; we have it covered. Our detailed resource addresses the importance of GPA in engineering jobs, offering an understanding of employers’ perspectives and tactics for success.

Then, you will get paid for doing this. Yes, it actually works, and some software tests started like this.

How to Start a Career as a Software Tester


Do you want to know how to become a software tester with no experience? This section is for you. Even if you don’t have a proper degree, experience, skills, or anything of that matter, you can do it.

Below we will list the steps you need to take. Once you are done with these, you will have all you need except a degree hence you can start a career.

1. Start With Online Course

The first thing you will have to do is to use online course. You can choose to Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch, that is affordable and very appealing. It was completed by over 508.000 people so you know what this means. This course lasts 16 hours with 2 articles and has 23 downloadable resources. The certificate is given at the end.

You can also opt for The Complete Software Testing Bootcamp, that has 13 articles, 27 hours videos and you will get certificate at the end. You can access it via any device but using a computer is preferable. In addition, you can check our edX course as well and start with it.

2. Get ISTQB Certification

You will have to download their study material and study it. You will have an exam when ready and you can get the certification. This does mean a lot and can help you find a job.

The certification will tell your clients that you have all it takes to complete the job and help them. It is not a mandatory step here but it is one that can make a massive difference.

If you are looking at a proper software tester career you should get this certification at some point. You can even get it after some work online.

3. Work as a Freelancer


It is the best way to get some sort of experience and also to make money. Keep in mind that finding a job can be complicated, but with a bit of luck, you will manage.

Even if you use our how to become an ethical hacker without a degree guide, you can work as a freelancer at the beginning.

The best thing in this case scenario is to use as many, different platforms as possible. The more of them you use, the better odds you will have to find a job. We recommend you start working with simple projects first and the one that doesn’t have a short deadline. You can even work for free a couple of times to get feedback from your clients that will help you later on.

4. Develop Your Knowledge

This is not the main step here but one that can help indignantly. You can read books, online posts and so much more in order to develop your skills even more. This will help you drastically. Try uTest, and you will see why we liked this platform. Then you have the last step.

Working as a software developer does take a lot of effort and you need to stay in the flow of modern technology. Contact learning is one of the skills you need and your clients will appreciate it.

5. Get the Resume Done

All you have to do now is to make your CV or use experts to help you with that and start looking for the first job. If you have completed all of this as we have stated and got a perfect resume, you will get the job in no time.

Basic Requirements to Become a Software Tester


You will need to know about the basic requirements as soon as possible. The first thing you need to know is that you can get all of these without an actual degree hence you don’t need to worry about that.

If you are planning to get work in this profession, you will need a computer with at least 8GB of RAM. There is no need to add that you need an internet connection as well. Besides that, you may need:

  • Project life cycle
  • testing types
  • Test plan idea
  • One or more programming languages
  • Testing concepts
  • Database concept

These are basic skills a professional would need. You will obviously start with one or a couple of them and advance as you go along. In addition, you will need to have access to testing tools that won’t be provided by your clients.

Of course, being able to communicate with your clients and providing them with a detailed report can be a requirement as well.


Do you need a degree to be a QA tester?

No, you don’t need an actual degree but you should have one in computer science or informational technology. Any similar degree will help you. Without any degree, you will need course and certification in order to get the skills and knowledge.

Can anyone be a software tester?

Yes, anyone can be a software tester. You will need to develop certain skills which do take time and you will need basic knowledge. This is something you can get over the web so there is no need to worry about going to school or college for this purpose only.

How do I get a test job with no experience?

You will need skills, knowledge, and certification. Once you are done, you should start working as a freelancer. When you complete a couple of projects, you can start looking for a full-time job as a tester. Don’t forget that you need a CV that will help you and make you stand out from the crowd.


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