EduReviewerBlogWhat Activities on Your Résumé Are Required for College Admission
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What Activities on Your Résumé Are Required for College Admission

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The first thing that comes to mind with the word «resume» is work. However, it’s widely used within the educational field as well and significantly supports one’s college application.

Most students don’t have any professional experience during high school, but the list of extracurricular activities and considerable academic achievements would greatly emphasize your efforts and represent you as a diligent candidate for admission.

Note that a college resume isn’t completely about your school work and participation but also a way to show your personality and intentions.

The admission committee will be attentive to every chapter of your CV, so make sure that you remain thoughtful and transmit the best features about yourself — it’s your time to shine.

Start now just by following our advice, and don’t miss a chance to fulfill your school dreams!

Objective for College Admission Resume

To make a remarkable intro, you should come up with a strong objective for a college admission resume that will catch the attention of the committee.

Stay consistent and don’t write too much — the panel will simply lose interest in reading your resume further if you start with boring phrases like «Very committed learner with a calling for literature and foreign languages».

You can start with 2-3 vivid sentences to prove your point and show how passionate you are about your future in this particular institution or a specific major. To avoid looking like a one-fits-all, use your creativity and begin referring to improvement and self-development, such as

«Aspiring scientist with a knack for chemistry looking to deepen their knowledge with the greatest minds of Illinois State University».

Personalizing your CV is the first key to success, as it represents your confidence and engages the genuine interest of the admission committee.

Employment History in a College Admissions Resume

Lots of learners hesitate about the compounds of the proper CV and ask the same question round and round: «Should employment be included in a college admissions resume?».

We consider work experience a relevant and essential part of the resume, although you are not obligated to include it.

In our opinion, once you get a certain job and position, you acquire a rank of new soft and social skills that are highly important in college life. Schoolers learn how to communicate, when to be patient or assertive, and carry responsibility for their actions.

Every job you have ever taken is another plus to your ratings, so always mention it in your CVs with a short description of your duties and required skills.

In case you have had governmental experience and think how to put federal work study on resume, we got your back and prepared an article on this topic.

List of Activities

An active resume is another name that you may give to your CV, as a great part of it is dedicated to your activities and achievements. In this chapter, you can share your hobbies and clubs you have attended and describe volunteering events in which you took part.

If you’re still thinking about what activities on your résumé are required for college admission, here is the list of the most common option:

  • Community service;
  • Cultural and religious organizations;
  • Academic competitions;
  • Entrepreneurship or Internships;
  • Various sports;
  • Theater;
  • Orchestra, choir, or band;
  • School paper and writing;
  • Different kinds of Art;
  • Activism.

Often institutions ask to provide an additional essay to support your internship application. The task is knotty and requires preparation.

The article from EduReviewer will help you to learn how to make CV for law internship in case you plan to apply for one. Even if it doesn’t seem so, the college committee pays special attention to your achievements and predicts what kind of opportunities you can take during your studies in their institution.

Do College Admissions Committees Check Your Resume?

When the application contains a special field for a resume, consider it a privilege, as many institutions exclude such options from their admission process.

Yet, if you’re wondering do college admissions committees check your resume, you can rest assured that your effort is not in vain. Once the panel receives your CV, they revise it prudently to determine whether you’ve been challenging yourself and how you can facilitate your abilities within classrooms and campus.

The procedure begins with the evaluation of basic qualifications such as test scores, grades, and extracurriculars. This helps to see whether you’re meeting the standards of the institution in comparison to other applicants.

To let you know the importance of academic results and answer the question does GPA matter for jobs, experts from EduReviewer compiled an article on this topic. Take your time to read through and evaluate your admission chances.

If you pass the first round, then the committee starts reviewing your admission resume, the importance of which we have already discussed. The selection is usually strict as the competition in top colleges is significant, and the panel always aims to pick the best learners to join their ranks.

How Resume Can Help with College Admissions

We have proceeded with a thorough research to answer the question, «Does including a resume help college admissions?» and provide a reasonable explanation.

Considering that a resume is a summary of your before- and after-school activities, it significantly adds up points to your admission.

The resume is a great compound of the application as it reveals your passions and intentions, which attracts genuine interest and admiration of the panel.

By revising your CV, the committee determines what you can bring to the community beyond the classroom and how efficient you are at self-development. If you succeed in showing your best qualities and prove that you’re worth getting a place in the college, the admission committee will accept your candidacy even regarding unideal academic results.


Finally, we would like to share some tricks and tips about resume writing to support your endeavors:

  • Be specific and concise. Tell the committee about your dedication to a specific major and explain why you’re aiming to study exactly this matter. Yet, consider the possible sizes of the answer and don’t write too much — narrate briefly about the main reasons for your candidacy. If you struggle with the writing part, you can always turn to the best resume writing services listed on EduReviewer to succeed with admission. We also review other top resume writing services and provide a comprehensive comparison so that you can choose only the finest platforms on the market.
  • Stick with the simple format. There is no need to over-style by adding colorful and unnecessary details. Make sure you’re representing yourself clearly — divide the information by headings and subheadings, emphasizing the essential points in bold or italics.
  • Remain thoughtful. Often students mention activities that they’ve tried only for one semester in 7th grade. To cut it short, select only those practices that are masterful, as the college committee wants to see your true commitment.
  • Ask for a recommendation letter. Some institutions may ask you to provide a recommendation letter from one of your advisors or employers to see whether your achievements are real. Make a copy of your CV and give it to a teacher, so they can make references and state the information in proper form.

Key Takeaways

The opportunity of improving your admission chances with the activity resume should be taken responsibly and seriously. A thoughtfully created CV would add up points to your candidacy and give you the long-awaited acceptance to the college of your dreams.

Represent your personality by showing that you’re ready to challenge yourself and committed to making efforts. Remember our advice — remain consistent and clear, and let the committee see how particular you are about joining their community.


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