EduReviewerBlogCase Competition on a Resume: Do or Don’t?
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Case Competition on a Resume: Do or Don’t?

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Crafting a spot-on case competition resume doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all pattern. A properly executed resume will always contain the essentials. This includes your personal information (found in 99.85% of all resumes), skills (89.81%), experience (98.33%), and education (97.25%).

These aside, there are also a few other professional embellishments to get your resume to stand out even more. For that reason, many resume creators prefer including achievements, certifications, and sometimes even hobbies in their resumes. All this falls under the category of a case competition. Put judicial internship to resume to demonstrate your dedication to the law and showcase your skills and knowledge. Apply for a judicial internship today and take the first step towards a successful legal career.

Despite its niftiness, a case competition is a not-as-discussed resume element – and it either works hand to hand with it or it doesn’t.

To give you a clearer picture of how a case competition on resume and how to put it to good use – buckle up for a detailed how-to guide from one of the resume experts below.

But, first things first…

Case Competition on a Resume: What is It?

A case competition refers to actual competitions that student teams of four people partook in, as a way to invent solutions to real-life issues businesses face. You can think of it as an experience almost, one often found in the corporate world.

Simply, a case competition gives students the chance to expand their experience parallelly to their studies and have the upper hand in business once their time to show off comes.

Should I Put Case Competition on My Resume?

That depends on what your professional status indicates. A case competition would look good on resumes that belong to undergraduates or the recently graduated. If you’re one of them, make sure to feature your case competition as part of your curriculum. However, remember to strike the skill from your resume once you gain sufficient professional experience.

The way a case competition works in your favor here is by showcasing your trained ability to solve a variety of business problems.

Aside from students, those who aim to earn a promotion at one point can also consider adding a case competition to their professional listing.

When listing a case competition on your resume, it’s equally important to know how to add your Six Sigma certification. This can help show employers your problem-solving capabilities and commitment to quality.

How to Put Case Competition on Resume?

There are three golden rules when it comes to knowing how to put case competition on resume – be brief, use dates, and list achievement levels.

Also, for those with little to no practical experience, feel free to feature the case competition as part of your experience segment.

Including a Case Competition Certificate in the Certification Section

Formatting your achievements for a case competition is pivotal, so be as specific with the case competition at hand as you can. This helps better distinguish the top-quality case competitions from the rest. Capitalization has a role in executing this as well, so ensure the field is written as “Case Competition”.

Add the date and year, and don’t forget to rank your team’s achievement in the end.

A fully ready case competition would look as follows:


  • Global Investment Case Competition – 1st place winner (2021)
  • CALI Award for Criminal Law (2020)

If you care to add more details, feel free to elaborate on the specific case type your team worked on. This is highly useful when the topic at hand relates to the job you want.

This would look something like the following:


  • Global Investment Case Competition Winner
  • Worked in a team to conduct a plan that will preserve growth challenges faced by investment companies

When executing this, make sure you’re not placing your case competition in a whole new section that only includes it. The best placement for it will likely be in the awards, accomplishments, or certification section.

Including a Case Competition in the Experience Section

Graduates or students packed on some designated professional experience can include their case competition as an alternative to their standard job experience. Here, you want to include the competition name; the rank your team reached; the date, month, and year of the happening; and a mini description of the competition itself.

Remember, however, that everything you put in your experience box needs to be elaborated in detail. Therefore, don’t get stingy on praising your own and your team’s effort. The more details you add, the greater the chances to be noticed by an employer are.  Experiences in this section can feature anything from team-building activities, thorough planning, conducting research, or handling other tasks that led you to success.

Unlike related jobs also mentioned in the experience sanction, case competitions are always left without an end date and should not come with a job title.  Chronology is another key factor in crafting your resume’s case competition, so ensure you do it by relevance.

When done right, it ought to look similar to the following:


Global Investment Case Competition – (January 2021)

  • Achieved 1st place in a competition featuring fifty participating teams
  • Worked in a team to conduct a plan for protecting growth difficulties faced by investment companies
  • Documented research, interpolated data into graphs, and created a scheme following the given format

Should I Put 3.4 GPA on Resume?

Not to burst your bubble, but a 3.4 GPA is not the finest of scores to mention on your resume; however, it can be handy at times. Namely, you can add your 3.4 GPA:

  • When you can also add a Major GPA that is – ideally – above 3.5 or higher.
  • If your goal is applying for entry-level job openings.
  • If the job description imposes a GPA restriction.

On the contrary, you never want to add your 3.4 GPA score on your resume if there are other academic accomplishments you made. That said, you might want to avoid mentioning your GPA is the job description does not require it at all.

Can You Put Future Jobs on Resume?

This is a rare exception, but it really can happen – that you have a future job waiting down the line and you wonder whether to mention it in your resume. Well, if you have already been accepted to a job position, yes, feel free to add the resume enhancement. This can play in your favor if the job you scored is a high-profile one. The thing you actually might want to include in your resume – instead of a future job – is a future internship, as these revolve around learning and enriching your experience the most.

In practice, a future job position featured in your resume should like something like this:

Professional Experience

Tech Support Associate

WeWork | New York, USA | August 2020 – Present

Incoming Software Engineer

Saratech Corporation| California, USA| Starting September 2021

Should I Put My SAT Score on My Resume?

It’s not necessary at all. Although your SAT can offer a proper resume boost if you do not have enough experience under your belt. However, as soon as you have earned enough achievements at a workplace, be sure to remove your SAT score, except in the case when specifically required to provide it.

How to Put Sorority on Resume?

As chick-flick as sororities and fraternities may appear to be, they can be quite the boost your resume needs – when and if used accordingly. Sorority and fraternity engagements are seen as a testament of leadership and philanthropy, and what matters the most when including them in your resume is where and how you showcase the contribution. The safest way to implement a sorority experience in a resume is to place it under your experience, volunteering, or activities section.

Guess that one wild semester you attended in Greece paid off, after all!

The featured image is made by the University of New South Wales.



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