EduReviewerServicesLatest Fixgerald Reviews You Need to Read Before Buying

Latest Fixgerald Reviews You Need to Read Before Buying

By Alina Burakova, Updated June 13, 2024


Our opinion here is not influenced by the company reviewed, even if we are partners. Read how exactly our team scrutinizes online services here.

About Fixgerald
Lowest price$9.99
Charged per month
Pros & Cons My Verdict
  • The tool comes without any ads which can be a huge deal these days when most websites have dozens of ads.
  • It is very effective in what it does and uses the latest software to make your paper 100% original.
  • The tool will test the originality of your paper and, at the same time, find any errors and grammar mistakes you can correct.
  • Live editing is amazing, and you can correct all the issues directly on the site.
  • The system will not save nor share your paper which makes things safer.
  • Customer support is available 24/7, and you can contact them using an online form or by sending them a direct email.
  • There is no live chat which can be an issue for some students.
  • The tool is still new. Therefore, there are not a lot of reviews from other users we would like to see.
  • Fixgerald can be slow sometimes, and it will need up to 7 minutes to check the content.


  • We liked the company, and we liked its transparency.
  • We also liked the simple user interface you can master within seconds.
  • The quality is at the highest level possible. Your paper will be 100% original in the end.

Value for Money

  • It is absolutely free for now, so why bother?
  • But they told us that it would cost $9 in the future.

Student Feedback

  • Sadly, there are not a lot of users who can tell us their stories.
  • But, this is going to change soon due to the fact we believe this is going to become one of the best new tools of this type in a couple years.
  • We also believe that Fixgerald will become more and more popular due to one reason only.
  • The tool does what it should do without any fuss and complicated steps.
  • It is simple and accurate, precisely what students and bloggers need at this point.
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AI Tools Reviews

Short Overview

If you are looking for a plagiarism tool that will compare your text against a billion others and give you 100% original content every single time, the Fixgerald review is more than just a wise thing to take a look at. We will evaluate the features, value for money, guarantees provided, user interface, and a lot more.

We also take into account students’ feedback and the privacy specifics. All of these are the things you will want to know before you start using the service.

Once you read the review, you will deduce if the service provider is ideal for you and your particular needs.


This also means that there are no surprises at the service provider, and you will get what we explain here to the smallest point.

Please, take a good look at what we have to say about these companies and their services Copywritely plagiarism checker review, Grammarly vs Chegg Writing and Grammarly vs Ginger Software . Are they one of the best available?


Let’s start the Fixgerald review with a few things you need to know right here. This is a plagiarism checker tool or a website, if you prefer. The first step is to create a new account or log in if you have one. This is standard step and there is no need to explain it more.

Then, you will copy-paste or upload your whole paper into the designated field, and the tool will check your text’s originality and quality.


Quality refers to checking the grammar, possible errors, and much more. The main advantage here is the ability to edit your paper in real-time and monitor the progress. There is no need to edit it in Microsoft Word and then check it again.


Story of Fixgerald first was an idea of 3 college students. They had a lot of issues with plagiarism, and they looked for a way to prevent this and help other students. The tool started its life when the team was at college. As a matter of fact, this was their university project.

After a while, they wanted to share the tool with all students, bloggers, and writers who need 100% original and polished paper every single time.

After researching and writing on plagiarism and similar topics, the team created a blog where users can get all the details they need.

It looks like they managed to do all that they wanted. You can compare Fixgerald vs Copywritely, which is one of the most popular tools out there, and you can see the similarities and the overall success rate.

We would like to add that the latter is more detailed and more focused on grammar.


Here we have a simple overview of the tool and all the features you can use on the website. All you need to know is that Fixgerald plagiarism checker is effective, and it works well with all types of writing.

You can use it for content written in the English language. Once you have completed the check, you can edit the content on the website and polish it.

When it is ready, you can paste it back into Microsoft Word, and you are good to go.

A success score is an interesting yet simple option here. It will present to you the percentage of your paper. Then you can see what needs to be edited and improved.

The goal is to have a success score of 100%. This will mean that the paper is 100% original and has no grammar errors. All the issues that the paper has will be marked in the content so you can edit them easily.

The tool uses the latest software that is based on a complicated algorithm. We won’t go into details. But, all you need to know is that the tool is effective and can compare your content with billion other pages in real-time. This is the reason why the process takes between 2 and 7 minutes.

We also like that the tool can be used as often as you like, and there is no small word limit, which can be a huge problem in some cases. You would have to paste the text and check it countless times, making the whole process less accurate.

Here, you can check the whole text at once. The limit is 10.000 words which is still sufficient for most users.

If we compare Fixgerald vs Grammarly, we can see one similarity. Both tools will not save your content. This is more important than you may believe. Your paper must be yours, and it must not be shared online, or you can end up with plagiarism that is based on your actual paper. We hope this does make sense.

It is also a nice fact to know that the paper will not be seen by anyone else. Hence, you can be certain that there won’t be any issues.

One tool, or better said, a feature we liked, is a small but helpful FAQ section at the bottom of the page. We believe some of the future Fixgerald reviews will mention it as well. The section is obviously small, but it offers the essential answers.

You should check it out, and you will see that the section can help you understand the tool and the whole process better. This is the theme here. The tool is completely transparent and offers tons of details and specifics new users will want to know about.

Once you are presented with the result, you can see how much your paper is original. This is expressed in the percentage. Lower is better. Fixgerald claims that anything below 15% is fine, and you dont need to make any adjustments.

But, they also add that your college or school may have a different requirement. This is fine, but we would like to add that 100% original paper or 0% plagiarism is the safest approach and the one you need to try and get every single time. 100% original papers are always more appealing to the professors and also search engines if you write for a blog or a website.


User Interface

Let’s compare Fixgerald vs Copyleaks in terms of the user interface. They are based in the same way, but there are a lot of differences. Fixgerald is much easier to use. The first step is to create an account (simple and straightforward process) or log in if you already have an account. Paste or upload your paper.

Once you are done, the tool will start its thing, and you will be presented with the end result.

The user interface of the tool is one of the best we were able to encounter. Of course, this applies to users who want a simple tool and who want to get the job done in no time. We believe that this can be a huge advantage.

Most students need only the basic features implemented to the content they want to check, and there is no need to present all sorts of information they don’t really need.

We also liked the fact the website shares specifics about the founders and the team behind the tool.

In a nutshell, the whole website is loaded with details, but only the details you will want to know about and the ones you will want to use. There are no facts and sections you will never read.


There is only one way we can say this. The quality of the platform here is amazing. The software is based on advanced algorithms, as we have mentioned.

As such, it is capable of finding the smallest part of the text that is similar or copied to some other writing. This is one of the main reasons why reviews from users are going to be positive, and we can relate to this topic.

Considering this is a great platform, we like it a lot. Usually, these platforms are not as easy to use as this one. Hence, it can be a huge advantage.

The software is updated on a regular basis. Therefore, it will be even better in the future. What this means is that the platform gets the latest features and is capable of looking at more detailed pages and also checking against not easy-to-find pages.

The Speed

One of the important features, yet the one nobody will tell you about, is the speed of the tool. What this means is how much time you need to wait in order for the tool to complete the check, and you are presented with the paper.

The sooner you get the result, the better. Maybe it doesn’t make any sense now, but imagine the scenario in which you have to write more, don’t have the time to do it, and the selected tool needs half an hour to check for plagiarism.

Fixgerald is not one of the fastest tools of this kind. It will need between 2 and 7 minutes to complete the task. This is reasonably fast, and there are no major issues.

But, it is important to add that the tool will always manage to complete this task in this time frame. Some tools will be fast a few times, but slow when you need the speed the most. Here you are looking for a reliable and stable tool that will get the job done reasonably quickly.

Student Feedback & Reputation

In our Fixgerald review, we must add two more things. The first one is to test the customer support at the site. This is mandatory for all platforms of this kind, and something we consider more important than you may believe. See, students may need help at any given moment.

They will need to contact customer support, and they will need the solution within minutes. We all know that students don’t have enough time these days. The last thing you need is a problem you cannot solve, and there is no help to assist you.

After testing the support of review, we can add that it is appealing and helpful. The support agents are polite and can assist you with any issue related to the platform here.

To contact customer support, you will have to click on the “contact us” page, located at the bottom of the page. There you have an online form you will fill out and confirm you are not a robot. Send the message, and you are done.

But, the site also offers you an email address, so you can send them an email directly if you prefer this method.

Regardless of which method you choose, the support team is available 24/7 and will help you as much as possible.


At this part, we would like to share Fixgerald plagiarism checker reviews from students and users who have been using the platform for some time.

Sadly, this is a new tool. Hence, there are only ew reviews available, as you can see below. We were able to find just a couple of them on forums and obtained them from our readers. Check the images to get a better idea.



  • The tool comes without any ads which can be a huge deal these days when most websites have dozens of ads.
  • It is very effective in what it does and uses the latest software to make your paper 100% original.
  • The tool will test the originality of your paper and, at the same time, find any errors and grammar mistakes you can correct.
  • Live editing is amazing, and you can correct all the issues directly on the site.
  • The system will not save nor share your paper which makes things safer.
  • Customer support is available 24/7, and you can contact them using an online form or by sending them a direct email.
  • There is no live chat which can be an issue for some students.
  • The tool is still new. Therefore, there are not a lot of reviews from other users we would like to see.
  • Fixgerald can be slow sometimes, and it will need up to 7 minutes to check the content.

Fixgerald Alternatives

$10.99 Lowest price Read Review
$11.66 Lowest price Read Review
$18 Lowest price Read Review

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