EduReviewerBlogSections of the LSAT: What’s Tested on This Exam?
Test Prep

Sections of the LSAT: What’s Tested on This Exam?

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Well, you’re stepping into the LSAT realm, huh? Brace yourself! This isn’t just any old test. It’s like the Everest of exams for future law school peeps. But don’t sweat it – by the end of this chat, you’ll have a crystal clear idea about each nook and cranny, from the easiest to the hardest LSAT sections. Let’s unravel this puzzle together, one piece at a time. Ready? Jump in!

Your Quick LSAT Rundown

Got no time for fluff and just want the facts? Cool, here’s a snappy summary of the LSAT sections. Time to get your game plan sorted!

The LSAT is the gateway to law school, probing your logical prowess, reading finesse, writing skills, and adaptability with various sections. Let’s break down what you’re against and how to ace it.

LSAT Section Details What It Tests & Quick Tips
Logical Reasoning ● 2 sections

● 24-26 multiple-choice questions

● 35 minutes per section

Evaluating and analyzing arguments. Dive deep into details and sift out argument strengths and weaknesses.
Analytical Reasoning ● 1 section

● 4 logic games with 4-7 questions each

● 35 minutes

Logical problem-solving and data organization. Draw diagrams, prioritize games, and think visually.
Reading Comprehension ● 1 section

● 27 multiple-choice questions

● 35 minutes

● 4 passages: 3 single-author and 1 dual-source

Grasping dense texts, making inferences, and pinpointing main ideas. Skim and, scan, jot down the main points.
Experimental ● 1 section

● 35 minutes

A wildcard: Arguments, Games, or Reading. Treat it like it’s scored – you won’t know which one it is!
LSAT Writing ● 1 section

● 35 minutes

Crafting persuasive arguments based on provided info. Clarity is key, and structure is your best friend.

Armed with this bird’s-eye view, you’re all set for the LSAT. But remember, while summaries are handy, diving deep into each section gives you the edge.

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning is like the brain gym of the LSAT. Imagine being given a bunch of statements and arguments, and your job? Figure out the strengths, the weaknesses, and sometimes, the downright absurdities in them. It’s a bit like debating with your super-smart friend who ALWAYS has to be right.

Why’s it a big deal?

Because the law is all about arguments, folks! And not the shouty kind you might have with your sibling over the last slice of pizza. We’re talking about structured, logical, evidence-based arguments. This section tests your ability to dissect arguments and think critically, exactly the skills you’ll need as a future legal eagle. If you nail this, you’re one step closer to acing those sections of the LSAT.

Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games)

Alright, welcome to the world of logic games! These aren’t your typical Sunday afternoon board games. Nope. Think of puzzles, sequences, groupings, and matchings. You might be placing people in line based on certain conditions or matching items to people based on a set of rules. Sounds fun, right? Well, it can be! Especially once you’ve got the knack for it.

Why Even Bother?

You might be thinking, “Why the heck does a lawyer need to know where Alice sits in relation to Bob if Claire is three seats away from Doug?” Good question! It’s all about testing your ability to understand and organize information. In the courtroom, you’ll need to quickly process tons of data, spot patterns, and make connections. And trust me, compared to some legal cases, these games are a piece of cake!

Ace the Games: LSAT Logic Games Tips & Tricks

Ready to tackle these head-ons? Here you go:

  • Start with the easiest games first. Get those easy points! Practice visualizing scenarios and use diagrams. They’re lifesavers!
  • Use these LSAT self study tips: make a routine, and stick to it. Daily practice is gold. And always, always review your wrong answers. Understanding your mistakes is half the battle.
  • If you’re considering getting external help, always check the ratings of college consultants. Some consultants have the magic touch for LSAT prep, while others… not so much. Do your homework and find the best fit for you.

There you have it! Your ticket to conquering the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT. Game on!

Self study is better or coaching classes?

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension is like that quiet kid in class who packs a punch when you least expect it. On the surface, it might seem straightforward—just reading passages and answering questions, right? Wrong! This section isn’t just about understanding words. It’s about grasping the essence, the tone, the author’s viewpoint, and those sly little inferences hidden between the lines.

Why’s It Even Here?

Imagine being a lawyer sifting through stacks of legal documents, finding one tiny detail that can make or break a case. The LSAT’s Reading Comprehension is your training ground for this. It’s prepping you for the dense, complex material you’ll wrestle with in law school and beyond. By mastering this section, you’re showing law schools you have what it takes to digest and dissect big chunks of info in record time.

Tackling The Text: Strategies to Excel

Alright, let’s get you armed and ready!

  • This isn’t a race, but it kind of is. You’ve got a limited amount of time, so don’t dawdle. If a passage is tripping you up, mark it and move on. Come back to it if you’ve got time at the end.
  • Take Notes. Yeah, it might seem old-school, but jotting down the main idea of each paragraph can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to answer those pesky questions.
  • Need a leg up in your prep? Dive into ratings and reviews to find the best LSAT tutors. Personalized guidance can make all the difference, turning that ‘almost right’ answer into a ‘bang-on’ response.

With a sprinkle of patience, a dash of strategy, and heaps of practice, the Reading Comprehension section can go from foe to friend.

LSAT Writing

LSAT Writing isn’t your typical essay slog. Think of it as your platform, a stage where you can flex those persuasive muscles and prove you’ve got the chops to argue a point with clarity and finesse. And the best part? No right or wrong answer. It’s all about how you present your case.

What’s the Big Idea?

Unlike the other sections where it’s about picking the correct choice, here, it’s about crafting your own. You’ll be presented with a situation and two possible outcomes. Your job? Advocate for one. Remember, it’s not about picking a side based on personal belief but showcasing your ability to present a sound and structured argument.

Pens Up! Tips to Nail the Writing

Ready to scribble down a masterpiece? Here are some strategies to help you shine:

  • Before jumping in, take a moment. Grasp the situation and the choices at hand. Remember, a clear understanding sets the foundation for a solid argument.
  • If you’re looking for resources to sharpen your writing, head on over to some of the best prep websites. They offer invaluable tips, sample essays, and feedback to hone your skills.
  • An essay without structure is like a pizza without cheese. Sure, it’s still pizza, but is it as good? Start with an introduction, present your points, support them with reasons, and wrap it up with a neat conclusion.
  • Wondering how your LSAT Writing factors into the whole LSATflex scoring thing? With the new LSAT Flex format, your writing sample isn’t scored but sent to law schools as part of your application. Make it count!

In the LSAT world, your writing is the window into your analytical mind. It’s your chance to show law schools you don’t just pick the right answers—you can craft them too. So, write on, future attorney, write on!

Pens Up! Tips to Nail the Writing


The Mystery Section

Okay, buckle up because the Experimental section is the LSAT’s wildcard. Picture it as the enigma, the curveball, the… well, you get it. It’s mysterious because you don’t actually know which one it is. Sneaky, right? It looks and feels like any other section, but here’s the twist: it doesn’t count toward your score.

What’s the Deal?

Why even have this? Simple. The LSAT peeps are always crafting new questions to keep the test fresh. The Experimental section lets them test-drive these questions. It’s their way of seeing what works and what doesn’t without affecting your score. But since you don’t know which section is the experimental one, you have to give your all to every section.

And if you’re wondering about the nitty-gritty, like what can I bring to the testing room or what are the sections of the LSAT, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you:

  • LSAT Allowed Items: The LSAT is pretty strict about what you can bring in. Think essentials: ID, pencils, an eraser, a highlighter, a snack for the break. But remember, always double-check the latest rules on the official LSAT website. You don’t want any surprises on test day.
  • The Sections of the LSAT: Beyond the Experimental section, you’ve got Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games), Reading Comprehension, and LSAT Writing. Mastering each one is your ticket to LSAT glory.

So, when you’re diving into the LSAT, treat every section as it counts. Because, well, most of them do. And who knows? That mystery experimental section might just be your warm-up for the real deal!


Does the LSAT have 4 or 5 sections?

The LSAT typically has 5 sections: 2 Logical Reasoning, 1 Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games), 1 Reading Comprehension, and 1 Experimental (unscored). Plus, there’s an unscored Writing section.

Are there 5 sections on the LSAT?

Yes, the LSAT consists of 5 sections. However, it’s worth noting that one of these is an unscored Experimental section.

What is the hardest section of the LSAT?

The “hardest” section can vary by individual. However, many test-takers find the Logic Games (Analytical Reasoning) challenging due to its unique format and time constraints.

Does the LSAT still have 4 sections?

No, the LSAT has 5 sections, but only 4 of them are scored. The fifth is an unscored Experimental section. The LSAT also includes an unscored Writing section, taken separately.


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