EduReviewerBlogHow to Put Passed FE Exam on Resume
Resume Writing

How to Put Passed FE Exam on Resume

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Passing the FE exam is not an easy task. All engineering students are proud of that achievement, and they would certainly want to put their FE exam on resume.

Unfortunately, doing that takes work. Finding the right place in the document where this information should be can be challenging.

We do understand that most people would gladly ask the experts for help.

But there is no need for you to do that. Continue reading, and you will find out the best ways to complete this task and see some samples that can inspire you!

Where to Put FE Exam on Resume?

For starters, it is good mentioning that there are four different parts of the document where you can share that piece of information, and they are

  • Next to your name;
  • In the summary section;
  • In the certification section;
  • In the job title.

Each section will boost your chances of getting a job and adequately describe who you are and what you have to offer to the company within your CVs.

Yet, we do understand that more than mentioning the parts is needed. Because of that, let’s find out how to put the passed FE exam on your resume in each section!

Put FE Exam on Resume Next to Your Name

In one of our articles, we already explained how to add EIT to resume. But, one of the pieces of advice there can also help you find the best possible way to put passed FE exam on your resume.

As you can guess, when the hiring manager takes your resume, they will first see your name.

Even if they do not intend to do that, that automatically happens. If they see EIT, that will immediately grab their attention to know who you are.

Keep in mind that most hiring managers spend at most 7 seconds analyzing each candidate’s application.

If you surprise them with these three critical letters, they will want to check out who you are!

But there is one thing that we have to say here. It may happen that some of our readers still haven’t received the certificate that confirms their expertise.

In that case, it would be enough to write down the exam date. If that date is close, that will mean a lot to the person who decides whether you get a job.

On the other hand, if you are a professional engineer, EIT next to your name will not explain who you are at all. In that case, you should put PE next to your name, like in the example below. Check it out!

Kristine smith data


I am still trying to figure out how to include the FE exam on resume. Continue reading!

Highlight FE Exam In the Summary of the Document

Have you ever heard about Stephanie Heman? It is one of the recruiting managers of Amazon, one of the giants in the business world. In one of the interviews, she said, “Based on the resume summary, I can see whether someone deserves my attention or not.”

As we stated above, you only have a little time to impress the hiring managers. We do not want to say you should panic. Instead, put the FE exam on the resume summary and describe your experience in a few sentences (5 or fewer).

They should be straight to the point without any fluff content or extended explanations. Throughout the remaining part of the document, you can add whatever you want.

Put It In the Certificate Section

The third option that you have is to create a certificate section. That is where you can highlight that you already passed your FE exam.

We are pretty sure there is not just one certificate that you want to place. If you have more of them, we strongly recommend listing them chronologically. That way, you will make this section eye-pleasing.

But, you will also allow the hiring manager to see your path and progress. Apart from dates, you should also highlight the certification number (in some states, this number does not exist) and reference (but this is a personal choice).

Guess what; there is another place where you can add this piece of information! Some people do not have other certificates to provide. Because of that, they put their passed FE exam on resume education section.

Just like in the previous case, we recommend you add your educational progress chronologically. You should also add the exam date to confirm that you will soon be a certificated engineer. If you aren’t sure how to structure this section, check out the image below!

Education block


 Use It as a Job Title

So, is there another option on how to put FE exam on resume? There is one, and we need to carefully explain it.

We suggest you check out once again the example above. As you see, it says there Engineer in Training. That’s exactly the phrase you should use in the job title in the work experience section.

For example, if you worked as a civil engineer in training, write that down, add the company you worked for as well as the period when you worked there.

With a short bullet list, highlight the main responsibilities, tasks, and achievements that you had.

Something that is crucial here is that you can’t name yourself a “professional engineer”. Only people that passed the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination have the right to do that. Because of that, Engineer in Training is an ideal option you should choose!


Now when you know how and where to put FE exam on resume, things will be much easier. Just like we said in our “GitHub in resume” article, mixing the tips we provided would probably be the best option. In case you get stuck, you always can ask professional resume writers to assist you and proofread and edit your work. Good luck!



How to Include FE Exam on Cover Letter?

After you highlight y that you passed FE exam on resume, you can prolong the explanation in your cover letter. Write down things you learned, which ones you liked the most, and where you think you can make progress more. Of course, you should also describe how exactly you can help the company you applied for!

How to Put FE Exam on Linkedin?

Basically, you can apply some pieces of advice mentioned in this article. Add it as a title on your profile, write down whether you passed the exam or not, where you improved your knowledge and skills, etc.. In case you haven’t done that yet, add the exam date!


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