EduReviewerBlogHow to Put SAT Scores on Resume: Should You Do It at All?
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How to Put SAT Scores on Resume: Should You Do It at All?

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Every student knows their SATs will be here one day and in most cases, just the thought of it can make them feel uncomfortable. It takes dedication, skill, and knowledge to pass these tests. Fortunately, all of these are qualities that employers look for in employees.

Thus, if you are looking for a job or planning to do so in the near future, such testing will come in handy. Putting SAT scores on a resume sort of raises a dilemma among those composing their CVs. And indeed, how should we communicate our qualities using SAT scores in a resume? Take a look at these.

Should I Put My SAT Score on My Resume

The education section of your résumé should include your test results. The information in this section should include your school name, graduation year, and GPA. But, it also needs to contain your SAT, ACT, and AP test results. Moreover, the question should not be whether you should add SAT on resume. Instead, you should ask yourself whether your SAT scores are good enough to add them.

The SAT is not perfect. We all know smart, knowledgeable people who do badly on standardized tests. But neither is it useless. SAT scores do measure both specific knowledge and valuable thinking skills.“ – Virginia Postrel

When the score is lower than 1500 or you do not have an undergraduate degree, it should not appear on your resume. On the other hand, if the situation is completely the opposite you should go for it. Feel free to list your exceptional score under the education section if you have one.

Pros and Cons of Adding SAT Score to Your Resume

Thinking of whether putting SAT scores on resume is a good idea? Then take a look at some of the pros and cons of adding SAT to your curriculum vitae:


Do you need to include your SAT score on a resume in certain circumstances?

For students with little working experience, including SAT scores in a resume is appropriate. Due to the difficulty in holding jobs while becoming an educated person, students must provide evidence of their character and commitment on their resume via educational achievements. Especially if the grade is exceptionally high. Such a record demonstrates a person’s tenacity, commitment, and intelligence to an employer.

People applying for education-related jobs should also list their SAT scores. Holding a high score in a field in which a tutor/teacher plans to teach students is impressive. This is the only case in which you should list them in separate categories. For example, this would be worth highlighting if you are planning to teach math and have a high score on the SAT.

Applicants to the education sector should not over-explain their percentile. You can let your potential employer know you have good results and can help future students prepare for the exam you did well on. Interested in becoming a high school or college SAT/ACT tutor? Learn about SAT/ACT tutor certification today!


Adding it can serve as good “resume padding” for someone without a great deal of work experience. This is precisely why listing it in your CV is usually frowned upon. Applicants for jobs in the education sector will also need SAT scores since they will work with the materials used for SAT preparation in their everyday jobs.

However, if you are planning to apply for a job in a completely different sector. In this case, your SAT scores should not appear on your resume, especially if you have enough accomplishments and experience.

In spite of your age, listing your test results may create the impression that you’re clinging to irrelevant past achievements. Your potential employer is interested in what you’ve accomplished and what you’re capable of in the workplace. Our team of experts have reviewed the bestselling SAT prep guides, to give you a detailed review of all the top SAT prep books. Check it out on PrepScholar SAT Prep reviews.

Unless you are a recent graduate, most employers will not be concerned with your 95th percentile SAT score. If you can, move past listing your SAT score on resume, and show employers that you can apply your intellect to your professional field. You can find more info about it here.

How to Put SAT Scores on Resume

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If you are including SAT scores in your resume, be sure to add them to the skills or accomplishments section. A list of every single one is not necessary. Put the percentile you scored, the date that was on the certificate, and your total score. Once again, you should remember that SAT scores are more relevant to people with little or no work experience, or to those seeking a career in education.

Your standard test results, the SAT, or the ACT are not a necessary part of the resume or cover letter. Those results are usually required only at the time of an interview, which is when you need to include them. But should you put SAT scores on a resume at any cost? Most definitely not.

When you are under 1500 or you are out of undergrad, you shouldn’t list it on your resume. Feel free to include any exceptional records under your education section and keep it to one line.

The Skills Section

The short and to-the-point answer is best when integrating SAT scores in the skills section. When adding SAT scores on resume, make sure not to list reading, writing, or math separately. What you should include are your total score and the date of your exam.

For further explanation, include a bit of context, such as your score percentiles, to demonstrate how impressive your achievement is.

The Accomplishments Section

Adding SAT scores in the accomplishments section is quite common among students and fresh graduates. The accomplishments section usually holds school awards, club activity participation, and other honors. Thus, if you are wondering how to put SAT scores on resume this is the safest way to accomplish that.

In addition, you might rewrite the percentile text to make it more clear to an average person. Consider your potential employer and whether this information is necessary for them.

When to Add SAT Score in the Resume

Writing a resume can be time-consuming and stressful, and if you need tips you should check some additional resources. One of the most frequently asked questions is certainly whether to include your SAT score. Here’s when you should definitely go for it:

  • If you are a student or a new graduate looking for a job.
  • To demonstrate character and will through educational achievements.
  • In case your results are impressive
  • When applying for education-related job positions

When You Should Ignore Adding Them

Consider listing your exemplary results under the education section if you have them. Still, there are situations where you need to avoid adding SAT listings to your CV. Here are some examples:

  • Don’t use it for “resume padding” if you don’t have any work experience. The employers will know.
  • If it is irrelevant to the position you are applying to.
  • If you have tons of working experience to add, make sure to avoid adding them
  • In case you have less than 1500, you shouldn’t include it in your CV

Also read: How to add minor on a resume.


Take a look at the FAQ list and dig a little deeper into the subject. Discover more facts and tips on putting SAT in your resume below. If you do not have time to do all this, you can check our top resume services here.

Can Employers Check Your SAT Scores?

Standardized test results are rarely considered by employers when hiring candidates. This means that most of them won’t be willing to check them. Still, if these numbers are relevant for the position, they might ask for proof. Some employers may even ask to see your SAT score. But, it is highly unlikely that this is ever used as a final criterion to hire someone.

How to Obtain Your SAT Scores offers this information online. Moreover, you can access your SAT scores by clicking on “your test dates and scores.” In addition to requesting it online, you can also request it by mail, following the instructions on the website.

Does SAT Matter for Hiring Managers?

Low SAT scores won’t necessarily disqualify you. However, the majority of hiring managers reported that they often use this information when comparing applicants.


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