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How to Write MBA on Resume +Sample

How to Write MBA on Resume
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And you ought to know that what gets you the job of your dream is how well you can showcase your skills and experience, whether with your words. Put capstone project on resume to impress employers.

The MBA resume aims to set you apart from other applicants, particularly if you seek marketing, finance, or information technology opportunities. It demonstrates that you are knowledgeable and educated in areas that will assist their firm.

How do you mention a master’s degree on your resume now that you know it will offer you an advantage? Where do you put it so it doesn’t dominate your other accomplishments or come off as bragging? This article explains how to include an MBA degree on your resume, whether it is in process or finished. And how to place it correctly.

Should I Put MBA on My Resume?

Do not be surprised if it appears on your resume. Employers should be able to recognize that you have put in the effort and attention required to get a master’s degree. Aside from the fact that certain occupations demand an MBA, having the degree is noteworthy. It demonstrates to employers that you are dedicated and capable of getting things done.

Furthermore, in many sectors, it demonstrates that you are not just learning from the ground up, but that you already have a degree of training, and given what you have accomplished, learning on the job will not be a problem. This may seem to be a lot of knowledge from a single degree, but we’re talking about an MBA here, and it’s well worth the attention.

Please keep in mind that you should not be hesitant to include your MBA on your resume. Put it in front of them so they can’t ignore it. What remains to be learned is how to include an MBA on a résumé.

Can I Add My MBA GPA to My Resume?

Getting an MBA is one achievement; finishing with a GPA of 3.5 or higher is another feather in your cap. So, in addition to listing it in your resume, you should add your GPA to it. The GPA should go in after your MBA title on resume.

There is no harm in include your coursework in the description. It is also vital to include your courses if they are relevant to the employment position you are looking for.

How to Put MBA on Resume

When listing a master’s degree, your objective should be to provide as much information as possible. There is no need to provide anything if you believe it will not make a difference to the firm to which you are applying. So, understand your ideal employer and behave appropriately.

It is easier to write it if you have completed the program. And if you already know how to put PMP on your resume, you are halfway there.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while adding an MBA to your resume:

  • No matter the skill you learned in getting it, an MBA degree is still educational. And that is where it should be; under the education section. Because if the recruiters want to look out for such information, they will not look beyond the education sector. So, place it where it should be.
  • List the degree as both MBA and Master of business on the resume if the company scans it with an Applicant Tracking System, a system that automatically screens the resume.
  • After adding it to the education sector, you can also add it to the achievement section of your resume.
  • You can add it in your header section, but only if
  • You have finished the program
  • If the job description asked for it or the position requires it.
  • You can add it in your cover letter that you have an MBA, but only if you deem it necessary.

When listing MBA on resume, you can go along with the general education listing guideline while considering the above tips.

The standard way to list your MBA is the reverse chronological order (that is, from the most recent to the least recent). However, this might vary due to your circumstances.

If all of your qualifications are from the same institution, you can state the degrees in the order in which you received them after specifying the school’s name. If not, list the degrees in the conventional order, beginning with your qualifications.


These are ways to how to list an online MBA on resume:

Using Reverse Chronological Format

EFG University, Somewhere, Some state.

Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Marketing, 2018

HJK College, This place, Here state.

Business Statistics, 2014

Listing It After Your Name

Jack Freeman, MBA

How to List MBA in Progress on Resume

How to Put MBA on resume

This applies to you if you received a job offer that demands an MBA and yours is still in progress. It can still appear on your resume, but you must understand how to list your MBA concentration on resume.

To list an MBA in process, use the same wording as for a finished master’s degree; the only difference is the completion date. Include the month of completion if it is relevant to the job you are looking for.

Putting down the month of completion is especially important if you are in the year of completion but the month is still far away and you have yet to complete.If you merely put the year, it could be misinterpreted as a completed program, so be explicit when it asks for it. To be certain, put ‘anticipated’ after the completion date.

One More Example

TY University, Mytown, Your state.

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Marketing. Expected Completion: 2022.

Master of Business Administration, HDFVUYR University

2018 – ongoing

EMBA vs. MBA on Resume

An executive MBA, sometimes known as a “EMBA,” is designed for professionals who are currently employed and well-established in their area. An EMBA, as opposed to an MBA, focuses on more advanced ideas such as how to be more productive in your present work and how to progress your career. Whichever one you have on your resume is great, but keep in mind that how to list executive MBA on your resume is a more advanced notion than listing MBA.

Furthermore, EMBA is designed for seniors who are already established in their industry. But don’t worry, both degrees are of equal quality and value.


If you worked that hard to earn a master’s degree, you should be proud enough to show it off. You have a list of where and how to include a master’s degree in your resume. Go on and make the best impression.

If you also have a Ph.D., and you need a guide on how to include it in your resume, read our articles on Ph.D. ABD on resume and GMAT on a resume.

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Do you put MBA after your name on your resume?

No, you do not. But most times, any title to put behind your name on a resume should be a doctorate or higher degree, so putting it there might not be appreciated.

However, if the job position requires an MBA certification or the company wants someone with one, then you can add the degree behind your name. If not, you can add it to your resume’s Education or Achievement sections.

Should you put MBA after your name on resume?

It should not be after your name, especially when there is no specific need for it there. In most cases, it is irrelevant to add it after writing your name on the resume. But there are times when you make exceptions to this rule. This can be when the job requirement states that the position is for someone with an MBA.

MBA or M.B.A. on the resume?

Adding dots in between the MBA abbreviation is unnecessary; it is better to go for the common one (MBA).

When you want to include it in your resume, you either write it in full; Master of Business Administration or, in the short form, MBA. Preferably, you should have both on your resume because companies use the Automatic Tracking System to check a prospect’s resume.

EMBA vs MBA on resume?

An executive MBA, sometimes known as a “EMBA,” is designed for professionals who are currently employed and well-established in their area. An EMBA, as opposed to an MBA, focuses on more advanced ideas such as how to be more productive in your present work and how to progress your career.

Should I put MBA on my resume?

MBA is worth a lot of effort, time, and dedication, so if you need to add the degree, there is no reason to. Apart from being among your educational history, it is also viewed as an achievement to gain admission and finish the degree.

Completing this takes tenacity and dedication, which is a good work ethic. If writing a resume is quite strenuous, you can hire the CV writing services of a freelance writer or a content writing agency to write a professional resume for you. You can check out our article on the best resume writing websites for MBA.

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