EduReviewerBlogHow to List Conference Presentations on Résumé
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How to List Conference Presentations on Résumé

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The benefits of presenting papers, and attending conferences, conventions as well as workshops will be invaluable for your career development. The conference offers you the opportunity not only to network with colleagues, to learn new topics, and to present research but also to add these skills to your resume.

A resume that emphasizes your speaking engagements and presentations is an effective way to show off your ability to communicate. Providing proof of your skills and making your resume memorable can help employers determine your expertise in your career field. These resume tips and tricks from certified resume helpers will help you learn how to highlight your conference experiences.

Find out what to include in your resume when it comes to presentations when it is a smart decision to showcase conferences on resume, and how to list conference presentations on resume.

When Should You Include Presentations on the Resume?

If you are wondering how to put conference presentations on resume, you should know that there’s typically a section dedicated to conference information in a CV. The experience of presenting at conferences can be helpful whether you want a job that is academically or business-oriented. Consider mentioning a particular conference experience in your cover letter if you want to further emphasize it.

Listing merely the conference names might not be very useful and may be perceived as trying a bit too hard. Tell the interviewer about the ways in which you have demonstrated your commitment in your cover letter instead.

Listing seminar presentations can enhance your resume, but only if you use that information wisely. You may want to include information about conference presentations on your CV. Do this if you are aiming at a position that includes a lot of public speaking. Providing it displays your expertise and dedication to career advancement, you should definitely include it.

As if that’s not enough, here’s more example of when to include presentations in your CV:

  • Your public speaking activities should be related to the job positions (positions where regular meetings, conferences, and presentations are a part of your job).
  • Also, you can list presentations where you contributed to a project or event to provide education on a subject relevant to the job description.
  • You can also use presentations to position yourself as an industry leader or an expert.
  • Connecting the objectives, and goals of the organization with your past presentations and speeches can also be a good idea.

More Tips on Adding Presentations to the Resume

And in case you are asking yourself when to avoid incorporating presentations in resume, here’s what you need to know.

Be sure to exclude any obligatory presentations you gave during your education or employment. Such presentations are typically considered necessary, and as such, are not valued. Rather than listing them separately on your resume, list these presentations under your work or educational history.

As you prepare your resume, keep in mind that employers will also be looking out for so-called resume padding. Those with little or no experience in the field sometimes use this tactic. They try to claim they possess more knowledge, experience, and skills than they actually do.

It is important that you include conferences outside your workplace. In addition, if you gave guest lectures as part of your presentation, do not include them. It would make sense not to include conferences you have attended but have not presented at.

You can learn more about it here.

With the evolving nature of the professional world, showcasing certifications like Six Sigma on your resume can speak volumes about your commitment to continuous learning and development. Incorporating Six Sigma into your resume narrative helps demonstrate your strategic and analytical skills, making you a strong candidate in the eyes of prospective employers.

How to Add Conference Presentations on Resume


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On the left side of the listing, add the most important conference information, just like in other sections. Begin your presentation with the title of the talk or a forum, followed by a description of the conference. Be sure to include the year that the conference talk took place.

Additionally, consider including the month, of course, if it is relevant to the job. When looking for a way to demonstrate you’re capable of presenting on various subjects within a short period of time, you might mention how many presentations you gave over a specified time frame.

You can add a separate section on your resume and name it “Invited Presentations” or “Conference Speaking”. This might be a good section to include under the Education and Work Experience section. Putting it close to sections such as “Volunteer”, “Awards”, or “Professional Affiliations” is a smart thing to do.

Considering that resumes can be formatted in any way, you can place this section anywhere in the document. Logically, it will depend on the nature of the job you are applying to.

If public speaking is an essential part of a particular position, you might put it in the work experience section. As an alternative, if public service is a priority, the conference section could be placed under the “Volunteer” section.

Here are some additional tips on how to add conferences to resume:

  • Put presentations in a separate section;
  • List the most relevant events first;
  • Make sure that the title of the presentation is in Italics;
  • Provide the date of the conference along with the name;
  • Include examples of the conference topic;
  • Add related presentation publications.

Your resume is your personal marketing tool, and listing conference presentations adds a level of expertise. It can make a significant difference in presenting a professional, well-rounded resume that attracts potential employers.

Listing of Presentations with Related Publications

Listing all the presentations you ever attended in your resume might not be a good idea. If you are wondering how to list conferences on resume there are a few more tips you need to learn. You won’t gain many advantages from conference presentations and summits unless you’re applying to a communication-related position, and mentioning them could backfire as it can look like “resume padding”.

That being said, peer-reviewed publications published in prestigious journals provide the most value. There is no need to list them all, but rather list two or three relevant and recent papers. Thus, listing the relevant ones, and explaining briefly what role you played in each study will be enough.

Check out more useful information on listing the patents on your resume.


The topic of writing a resume always comes with questions and raises discussion. So is the question: “Can you put conferences attended on resume?”. Here are some more resources that may be useful.

Secret Tips for Including Presentations on a Resume

Here are some additional tips on how to put conferences on resume to keep in mind:

  • You should only list your presentations if they are in line with the job you are applying for
  • If you did not speak at any conferences or events, leave them out
  • Describe any honors or awards you have received as a result of your presentations
  • In the case of a co-presentation, indicate your involvement in it by adding a modifier to the title
  • Make sure to include some information in your resume summary about your presentations, as a demonstration of your proficiency

How Do I Document Speaking Engagements on My CV?

Your resume should include a section that mentions your speaking engagements. If you gave a lecture, specify the topic, where and when it was held, and the size of the audience. This is the safest way of listing conference presentations on resume.

How Are Conferences Displayed on Your Resume or CV?

You should include the name and date of the speech where you participated beneath the title of your presentation. Including the year and the month is just as important.

How Do I Cite a Panel Presentation in a CV?

To properly display your panel presentation title, paper, or poster, you need to align it along the left margin. For the title, it is not recommendable to alter the font, and you don’t have to underline or use italics. Besides, you shouldn’t put anything like “paper title:” before the title of the paper.

While listing conference presentations can demonstrate your expertise, showcasing other certifications like series 7 on your resume can add another layer of value. This can help to create a compelling resume that underscores your versatility and skills, opening more doors in your career path.


It all comes down to effectively marketing yourself if you want the position or internship.

You should have a strong CV and a cover letter that showcases your qualifications, and your interest in the job. Unfortunately, many applicants include unnecessary items on their CVs and some of them are conference lists they have attended.

Most people fail to understand the importance of writing a new resume for every job posting they apply for. Customizing resume for the job post you are applying for allows you to determine whether you should include such information.



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Comments 3

  1. Fiona-Sheh says:

    Have you ever considered hiring a certified resume helper to give your job applications an edge? How can these professionals help you stand out in a competitive job market and showcase your skills and experience effectively?

  2. EduReviewer says:

    Thanks for your comment, Christina. Expert resume writers promote honesty and strategic presentation rather than encouraging any form of embellishment or fabrication.

  3. Christina says:

    Is it worth the risk to embellish or fabricate certifications on your resume in order to stand out to potential employers, or is honesty always the best policy when it comes to showcasing your qualifications?

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